Evacuation Chair


  • 제조사 모회사 (2017)
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  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Model 6254, Lot numbers 110143822, 110143823, 110143824, 110143825, 110143826, 110143827, 101240120, 101240121, 101240122, 110142843, 110143758, 101240123, 101240124, 101240125, 101240126, 101240441, 101240442, 101240443, 101240863, 110142646, 110142632, 110142619, 110143756, 101240880, 110143801, 101240850, 101240851, 101240852, 101240853, 101240854, 101240855, 110143828, 110143829, 110143830, 110143831, 101241171, 101240127, 101240128, 101240129, 101240130, 101240131, 101240868, 101240892, 101240893, 101240894, 101240895, 101240896, 101240897, 101240898, 101240119, 110142620, 110143282, 110143283, 110143284, 110143281, 101240132, 101240133, 101240134, 101240135, 101240136, 101240137, 101240138, 101240139, 101240140, 101240141, 101240142, 101240143, 101240144, 101240858, 101240859, 101240860, 101240861, 101240862, 110143753, 110143754, 110143755, 101239046, 101239047, 101239048, 110142616, 110142617, 110142618, 101240145, 101240146, 110142625, 101241172, 101241173, 101241174, 101241175, 101241176, 101241177, 110142624, 101240870, 110142652, 110142653, 110142648, 110142649, 110142650, 110142651, 101241444, 101241445, 101241446, 101241447, 101241448, 101241449, 101240437, 101240438, 101240439, 101240440, 101241863, 101241864, 101241865, 101241866, 101240864, 101240865, 101240866, 101240867, 110142647, 110143222, 110142633, 110142634, 110142844, 110142621, 101240100, 101240101, 101240102, 101240103, 101240104, 101240105, 101240106, 101240107, 101240108, 101240109, 101240110, 101240111, 101240112, 101240113, 101240114, 101240881, 101240882, 101240883, 101240884, 110143832, 110143835, 110143797, 110143798, 110143799, 110143800, 110143750, 110143751, 110143757, 101240869, 110143802, 110143803, 110143804, 110143793, 110143794, 110143795, 110142630, 110142631, 101239030, 101239031, 101239032, 101239033, 101239034, 101239035, 101239036, 101239037, 101239038, 101239039, 101239040, 101239041, 101239042, 101239043, 101239044, 101239045, 101240416, 101240417, 101240418, 101240419, 101240420, 101240421, 101240422, 101240423, 101240424, 101240425, 101240426, 101240427, 101240428, 101240429, 101240430 01240431, 101240432, 101240433, 101240434, 101240435, 101241170, 101241152, 101240838, 101240839, 101240840, 101240841, 101240842, 101240843, 101240844, 101240845, 101240846, 101240408, 110143796, 101240118, 110142840, 110142841, 110142842, 101240409, 101240410, 101240411, 101240412, 101240413, 101240414 and 101240415.
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  • 유통
    Worldwide distribution: USA (nationwide) and countries of: Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Netherlands, and Sweden.
  • 제품 설명
    Stryker Evacuation Chair Model 6254 || It Is intended to aid in the transportation of passengers up and/or down a flight of stairs in an evacuation situation.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Model 6252, Lot numbers 110142628, 110142635, 101240404, 110143805, 101240405,110142848, 110143293, 110142846, 110142847, 110142849, 110142850, 110142851, 110142830, 110142887, 110142898, 110143270, 110143752, 110142828, 110142637, 110142826, 110142827, 110143299, 101240406, 101240447, 110143816, 101241853, 101241854, 101241855, 110143261, 110142607, 110142608, 110142609, 101240117, 101241850, 101241851, 101241188, 101240147, 101240148, 110142601, 110142602, 110142636, 110142863, 101240998, 101240999, 101241000, 101241001, 101241002, 101241003, 101241004, 101241005, 101241006, 101241007, 101241008, 101240436, 101240804, 101240805, 101240806, 101240871, 101241857, 101240115, 110143285, 110143286, 110142864, 101241856, 110142612, 110142654, 110142655, 110142656, 110142657, 110142658, 110142659, 110142660, 110142661, 110142662, 110142663, 110142664, 110142626, 110142627, 110142838, 110142839, 101240407, 101241862, 110142800, 110142801, 110143253, 110143294, 110142603, 110142886, 110143761, 101241125, 110142605, 110142832, 110142833, 110142834, 110142835, 110142836, 101240886, 110142629, 101240116, 110143289, 110142831, 101240403, 101240401, 110142610, 110142611, 110143762, 110143290, 110143820, 110143821, 101241127, 110142600, 110143836, 110142837, 101240885, 101240445, 101241199, 101240874, 101240875, 101240876, 101240877, 101240878, 101240879, 110143292, 110142606, 110143844, 110143845, 110143846, 110143847, 101241190, 101240873, 110142640, 110143287, 101240444, 110142825, 101241858, 101241859, 110142899, 101240402, 101241852, 110142845, 110142644, 110142645, 110143295, 110143848, 101240872, 101240887, 101240888, 101240889, 101240890, 101240891, 110143817, 110143818, 110143819, 110143245, 110143246, 110143247, 110143248, 110143249, 110143806, 110143807, 110143808, 110143809, 110143810, 110142885, 110143768, 110143769, 110143770, 110143771, 110143772, 110143773, 110143774, 110143775, 110143776, 110143777, 110143778, 110143779, 110143780, 110143781, 110143782, 110143783, 110143784, 110143785, 110143786, 110143787, 110143788, 110143789, 110143790, 110143791, 110143792, 101241189, 110143837, 110143838, 101241111, 101241112, 110143298, 110142639, 101241860, 101241861, 110142803, 101241187, 110142614, 110143296, 110142643, 101241114, 101241115, 110142829, 110143759, 110143760, 101240446, 101240899, 110142641, 110142642, 101240448 and 110143288.
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  • 유통
    Worldwide distribution: USA (nationwide) and countries of: Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Netherlands, and Sweden.
  • 제품 설명
    Stryker EMS Stair - Pro Evacuation Chair Model 6252 || It Is intended to aid in the transportation of passengers up and/or down a flight of stairs in an evacuation situation.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Serial numbers 080940895, 080940896, 080940578, 080940614, 080940615, 080940616, 080940618, 080940619, 080940620, 080940621, 080940623, 080940624, 080940625, 080940626, 080940628, 080940880, 080940571, 080940572, 080940573, 080940574, 080940575, 080940576, 080940629, 080940630, 080940599, 080940554, 080940555, 080940887, 080940888, 080940889, 080940890, 080940891, 080940892, 080940893, 080940894, 800940881, 080940772, 080940773, 080940774, 080940564, 080940565, 080940566, 080940850, 080940856, 080940556, 800940557, 080940558, 080940559, 080940560, 080940561, 800940562, 080940563, 080940633, 080940634, 080940635, 080940636, 080940245, 080940246, 080940851, 080940852, 080940853, 080940854, 080940846, 080940847, 080940848, 080940849, 080940810, 080940811, 080940812, 080940813, 080940814, 080940815, 080940577, 080940631, 080940632, 080940617, 080940622, 080940627, 080940818, 080940857, 080940882, 080940897, 080940816, 080940817, 080940567, 080940568, 080940569, 080940570, 080940579, 080940800, 080940801, 080940802, 080940878, 080940879, 080940855, 080940883, 080940884, 080940885, 080940886, 080940637, 080940638 and 080940803.
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution: USA, India, Netherlands and United Kingdom.
  • 제품 설명
    Stryker Medical Stair-PRO Evacuation Chair civilian use stair chair, patient transport device, Model 6253.
  • Manufacturer