ARROW OnControl


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  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
  • 제품 설명
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  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Material # 9408-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010256, 010257, 010438, 010439, 010556, 010557, 010737, 010738, 010739, 010946, 010947, 011037, 011046, 011047, 011048, 011215, 011216, 011217, 011380, 011381, 011383, 011384, 011385, 011675, 011676, 011945, 011946, 011947, 012139, 012140, 012141, 012142, 012353, 012354, 012355, 012356, 012463, 012464, 012465, 012570, 012572, 012573, 012686, 012687, 012688, 012895, 012896, 013074, 013084, 013085, 013122, 013185, 013255, 013256, 013257, 013258, 013477, 013478, 013688, 013894, 013895, 013896, 013897, 014111, 014112, 014113, 014114, 014115, 014134, 014135, 014136, 014199, 014200, 014201, 014202, 014306, 014307, 014308, 014420, 014422, 014423, 014569, 014570, 014571, 014703 & 014805 and Material #9411-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010184, 010440, 010559, 010949, 011052, 011218, 011374, 011386 011720, 011948, 012352, 012459, 012578, 012689, 012894, 013060, 013246, 013468, 013509, 013689, 013891, 014121, 014139, 014168, 014197, 014203, 014310, 014425 & 014617.
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  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution - US (nationwide) Internationally to Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.
  • 제품 설명
    ARROW OnControl Bone Marrow Biopsy System Tray, Sterile, Rx only, Manufactured for: Teleflex Medical, || The Arrow OnControl Bone Marrow Aspiration System is intended for bone marrow aspiration of the iliac crest of adult and pediatric patients. The Arrow¿ OnControl Bone Marrow Biopsy System is intended for bone marrow core biopsy of the anterior or posterior iliac crest of adult patients
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Material # 9451-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010183, 010560, 010780, 010951, 010972, 011042, 011050, 011348, 011382, 011583, 011709, 011952, 012343, 012568, 012690, 013071, 013247, 013470, 013692, 013735, 013898, 014125, 014138, 014232, 014312 & 014565 and 9458-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010182, 010436, 010437, 010561, 010562, 010723, 010781, 010782, 010817, 010872, 010893, 010952, 010953, 010964, 010969, 010977, 011039, 011040, 011041, 011060, 011061, 011223, 011378, 011379, 011555, 011556, 011557, 011710, 011711, 011712, 011949, 011950, 011951, 012143, 012144, 012145, 012146, 012344, 012345, 012346, 012460, 012461, 012462, 012575, 012576, 012577, 012691, 012692, 012693, 012897, 012898, 013072, 013086, 013248, 013249, 013250, 013471, 013472, 013473, 013694, 013695, 013696, 013734, 013904, 013905, 013906, 013907, 014116, 014117, 014118, 014119, 014129, 014130, 014131, 014132, 014193, 014194, 014195, 014196, 014313, 014314, 014315, 014402, 014404, 014405, 014406, 014607, 014608 & 014609.
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  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution - US (nationwide) Internationally to Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.
  • 제품 설명
    ARROW OnControl Bone Marrow Biopsy System Comprehensive Tray, Sterile, The Arrow OnControl Bone Marrow Aspiration System is intended for bone marrow aspiration of the iliac crest of adult and pediatric patients. The Arrow¿ OnControl Bone Marrow Biopsy System is intended for bone marrow core biopsy of the anterior or posterior iliac crest of adult patients
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Material # 9461-VC-001, Lot numbers: 012579S, 013469S, 011227 & 011492;  Material # 9461-VC-006, 011938, 012694, 013065, 013686 & 014615;  Material # 9462-VC-001, Lot numbers: 010743S, 10778S, 010954S, 012580S & 012891S; Material # 9462-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010444, 010743, 010778, 010954, 011495, 011545, 011582, 011714, 012130, 012581, 013251, 013860, 013893, 014128 & 014316; Material # 9463-VC-001, Lot numbers: 010331S, 010955S, 011716S, 012133S & 013066S; Material # 9463-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010331, 010955, 011513, 011584, 011717, 011834, 012131, 012349, 013070, 013474, 013890, 013899, 014230, 014317 & 014616; Material # 9464-VC-001, Lot numbers: 010445S, 010744S, 010956S, 011718S, 012135S, 012695S & 013262S; Material # 9464-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010445, 010744, 010956, 011051, 011491, 011590, 011719, 011939, 012136, 012350, 012696, 012778, 013252, 013902, 014025, 014120, 014231, 014319, 014453 & 014618; Material # 9465-VC-001, Lot numbers: 010957S, 011940S & 014321S; Material # 9465-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010957, 011496, 011941, 012137, 012351, 013286, 013901 & 014322; Material # 9466-VC-001, Lot numbers: 010333S, 10844S, 010958S, 011722S & 012685S; Material # 9466-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010333, 010844, 010958, 011512, 011544, 011589, 011723, 012129, 012466, 013887, 014123, 014209 & 014323.
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution - US (nationwide) Internationally to Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.
  • 제품 설명
    ARROW OnControl Bone Lesion Biopsy System Tray, Sterile, Rx only, The Arrow OnControl Bone Lesion Biopsy System is intended for bone biopsy of the vertebral body and bone lesions.
  • Manufacturer
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