Inserter for Titanium Elastic Nails


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  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Part Number: 359.219,  Sold As Lot Numbers: 4321659 4340451 4466686 4470900 5496455 5700078 5718485 5718486 5718487 1904339 3005674 3005675 3009312 3020674 3025607 3051190 3054608 3065013 3069566 3084637 3098634 3121438 3232931 3242304 3262712 3301017 3325276 3382583 3410330 3430483 3493588 3504996 3524633 3619119 3626055 3659645 3706611 3797835 7505411 7565990 7601112 7619995 7670741 7675623 7727696 7774491 7810649 7845943 7874224 7896075 7979727 4796463 4826021 4911859 4911860 4969014 4971314 5066417 5042001 5066418 5090226 5090224 5106335 5123586 5162204 5123587 5162205 5162206 5162760 5181760 5181761 5227459 5236654 5258103 5420946 5422955 5455364 5455365 5507788 5525235 5485078 5492810 5545372 5555604 5569028 5611445 5611446 5611447 5641430 5670475 5641429 5657075 5657073 5670474 5700077 5700079 8114862 8214803 8326267 8424513 8476286 8541845 8608192 8608193 8768253 8973607 9275702 4389269 4537554 4594280 4594281 4825384;  (Manufacturing Lot Numbers: 1095607 1095607 1121876 1121876 1641700 1806500 1811056 1811059 1813900 1904339 3005674 3005675 3009312 3020674 3025607 3051190 3054608 3065013 3069566 3084637 3098634 3121438 3232931 3242304 3262712 3301017 3325276 3382583 3410330 3430483 3493588 3504996 3524633 3619119 3626055 3659645 3706611 3797835 7505411 7565990 7601112 7619995 7670741 7675623 7727696 7774491 7810649 7845943 7874224 7896075 7979727 8000136 8002518 8002635 8002635 8004538 8004538 8005179 8006103 8006214 8006214 8006578 8006578 8007139 8007139 8007472 8007472 8008046 8008046 8008046 8008261 8009205 8009363 8009859 8012109 8012353 8012925 8013244 8014078 8014078 8014645 8014645 8015605 8015831 8016063 8016128 8016128 8016128 8016423 8016423 8016759 8017447 8017590 8017862 8017872 8018319 8114862 8214803 8326267 8424513 8476286 8541845 8608192 8608193 8768253 8973607 9275702 A8LA901 A8MA648 A8MB744 A8NA025 A8NA430)
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    Nationwide Distribution
  • 제품 설명
    Synthes Inserter for Titanium Elastic Nails; The Inserter for Titanium Elastic Nails (TEN) is intended for fixation of diaphyseal fractures where the canal is narrow or flexibility of the implant is paramount. This includes: lower extremity fractures in pediatric and small-statured patients and upper extremity fractures in patients. || This system is also intended to treat metaphyseal and episphyseal fractures, such as radial neck fractures, and is intended for fixation of small long bones, such as carpal and tarsal bones. In pediatric applications, the flexibility of the elastic nail allows it to be inserted at a point which avoids disruption of the bone growth plate.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
  • 제품 설명
    Medical instruments for use in humans - bone surgery
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Model Catalog: 359.219 (Lot serial: > 10 numbers contact mfg)
  • 제품 설명
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Part Number 359.219 lot numbers: 1095607 3301017 4826021 5422955 5718485 8006578 8017872 1121876 3325276 4911859 5455364 5718486 8007139 8018319 1641700 3382583 4911860 5455365 5718487 8007472 8114862 1806500 3410330 4969014 5485078 7505411 8008046 8214803 1811056 3430483 4971314 5492810 7565990 8008261 8326267 1811059 3493588 5042001 5496455 7601112 8009205 8424513 1813900 3504996 5066417 5507788 7619995 8009363 8476286 1904339 3524633 5066418 5525235 7670741 8009859 8541845 3005674 3619119 5090224 5545372 7675623 8012109 8608192 3005675 3626055 5090226 5555604 7727696 8012353 8608193 3009312 3659645 5106335 5569028 7774491 8012925 8768253 3020674 3706611 5123586 5611445 7810649 8013244 8973607 3025607 3797835 5123587 5611446 7845943 8014078 9275702 3051190 4321659 5162204 5611447 7874224 8014645 A8LA901 3054608 4340451 5162205 5641429 7896075 8015605 A8MA648 3065013 4389269 5162206 5641430 7979727 8015831 A8MB744 3069566 4466686 5162760 5657073 8000136 8016063 A8NA025 3084637 4470900 5181760 5657075 8002518 8016128 A8NA430 3098634 4537554 5181761 5670474 8002635 8016423  3121438 4594280 5227459 5670475 8004538 8016759  3232931 4594281 5236654 5700077 8005179 8017447  3242304 4796463 5258103 5700078 8006103 8017590  3262712 4825384 5420946 5700079 8006214 8017862
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    US (nationwide) distribution and one Internationally to Australia.
  • 제품 설명
    Inserter for Titanium Elastic Nails (TEN), orthopedic device
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
  • Manufacturer