Cardiovascular Procedure Kits, Tubing Pack


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  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    662143 735568 752561 767041 774364 775404 778816 783025 785629 794402 794411 735568
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  • 유통
    US Distribution to the states of : AL, OH, VA, NC, GA, NY, FL
  • 제품 설명
    Terumo Cardiovascular Procedure Kits containing Pall LG6NS LeukoGuard¿ Leukocyte Reduction Arterial Blood Filters. || The Cardiovascular Procedure Kit containing the Pall LG6NS LeukoGuard¿ Leukocyte Reduction Arterial Blood Filter for Exh¿acorporeal Service is indicated for use only in the exh¿acorporeal circuit for cardiopulmonary bypass procedures for which the user designed it. The product is a sterile, disposable kit, intended for one time use for period up to 6 hours, after which it must be discarded in a manner which is within acceptable laws and practices. The Pall LG6NS LeukoGuard ¿ Leukocy1e Reduction Arterial Blood Filter for Exh¿acorporeal Service is designed to reduce the levels of circulating leucocy1es and exclude microemboli greater than 40 ¿m in size from the perfu sate during exh¿acorporea l circulation. This included gas emboli, fat emboli and aggregates composed of platelets, red blood cells and other debris. The Pall LG6NS LeukoGuard ¿ Leukocyte Reduction Arterial Blood Filter can be included in Cardiovascular Procedure Kits (Convenience Kits). When the Pall LG6NS LeukoGuard¿ Leukocyte Reduction Arterial Blood Filters is included in the Kits, the intended use of the filter remains unaffected.
  • Manufacturer