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  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Hamilton-C2; Serial numbers from 1000-7100.
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    Nationwide distribution: USA including Puerto Rico and the states of IL, MT, IN, ND, AZ, MT, KY, NC, OH, MA, MO, VA, CA, NV, TX, WA, NY, GA, SC,MN, WY, PA, ND, UT, NE, CO and MI.
  • 제품 설명
    HAMILTON-C2 Ventilator: || Manufactured by Hamilton Medical AG || CH-7402 Bonaduz, Switzerland; || Imported and distributed by Hamilton Medical, Inc. Reno, NV 89502 || The HAMILTON C2 ventilator is intended to provide positive pressure ventilatory support to adults, pediatrics, infants and neonates depending on its configuration. Intended areas of use: In the intensive care ward or in the recovery room; During transfer of ventilated patients within the hospital.
  • Manufacturer