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데이터에 대해 더 자세히 알아보기 여기

  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Model numbers 10094139, 5904466, 7555365. Serial numbers 20136, 157435, 20205, 57089, 20334, 20114, 57077, 157458, 20052, 20303, 20343, 20016, 157136, 20208, 20238, 20242, 157436, 57144, 57189, 20322, 20295, 20081, 157448, 20209, 157165, 20254, 20170, 20282, 20076, 157168, 20050, 157213, 20363, 20179, 57035, 157164, 157156, 20202, 20338, 57188, 20348, 20172, 20183, 57073, 20264, 57016, 20325, 20143, 20367, 20258, 57009, 20182, 20175, 157169, 20056, 57004, 20082, 20037, 20053, 157139, 57187, 58702, 20250, 20313, 20100, 20207, 20230, 157146, 20157, 157476, 20249, 57204, 20140, 57111, 20181, 20281, 57171, 20033, 20074, 20165, 57113, 20243, 20178, 57193, 20188, 20339, 57117, 20141, 57041, 57072, 57008, 157414, 20321, 157215, 57198, 57054, 57155, 20097, 20003, 20015, 20233, 20220, 20265, 57098, 57124, 57116, 57045, 157184, 20185, 57156, 57076, 57105, 58701, 20086, 20087, 20217, 157409, 20102, 57012, 57201, 20180, 20294, 157466, 157442, 20129, 157449, 20171, 57024, 57183, 157438, and 157440.
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  • 유통
    Nationwide distribution: States of AL, AZ, CA, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, NC, NE, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, PR, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, and WY.
  • 제품 설명
    AXIOM Artis MP/Artis dMP and Artis zee Multipurpose. Angiographic x-ray system.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Model number 7412807. Serial numbers: 34999, 35049, 35097, 35184, 35235, 35248, 35273, 35286, 35505, 35656, 35705, 35706, 35711, 35726, 35728, 35737, 35740, 35751, 35759, 35760, 35761, 35762, 35763, 35765, 35766, 35769, 35770, 35771, 35773, 35774, 35775, 35776, 35777, 35778, 35779, 35781, 35782, 35783, 35784, 35785, 35786, 35787, 35788, 35789, 35790, 35791, 35792, 35793, 35794, 35795, 35796, 35797, 35798, 35799, 35800, 35801, 35802, 35803, 35804, 35805, 35806, 35807, 35808, 35809, 35810, 35811, 35812, 35813, 35815, 35816, 35817, 35818, 35819, 35820, 35821, 35822, 35823, 35824, 35825, 35826, 35827, 35828, 35829, 35830, 35831, 35832, 35833, 35834, 35835, 35836, 35837, 35838, 35839, 35840, 35841, 35842, 35843, 35844, 35845, 35846, 35847, 35848, 35849, 35852, 35854, 35855, 35856, 35857, 35858, 35859, 35861, 35862, 35863, 35864, 35865, 35866, 35867, 35868, 35869, 35870, 35871, 35872, 35873, 35874, 35875, 35876, 35877, 35879, 35880, 35881, 35882, 35883, 35884, 35885, 35886, 35887, 35888, 35890, 35891, 35892, 37701, 37713, 37714, 37715, and 37716.
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  • 유통
  • 제품 설명
    Axiom Artis dFC, Axiom Artis Modular Angiography X-Ray System, Model number 7412807.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Model number 5917054. Serial numbers: 49001, 49008, and 49009.
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  • 제품 설명
    Axiom Artis dBC-M, Axiom Artis Modular Angiography X-Ray System, Model number 5917054.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Model number 7008605. Serial numbers: 55001, 55003, 55019, 55021, 55036, 55037, 55043, 55048, 55138, 55162, 55166, 55181, 55242, 55255, 55264, 55266, 55278, 55280, 55288, 55298, 55323, 55333, 55341, 55347, 55349, 55350, 55351, 55358, 55361, 55368, 55377, 55378, 55386, 55396, 55397, 55399, 55402, 55407, 55408, 55409, 55410, 55411, 55412, 55414, 55415, 55416, 55417, 55418, 55419, 55420, 55421, 55422, 55423, 55424, 55425, 55426, 55427, 55428, 55429, 55430, 55431, 55432, 55433, 55434, 55435, 55436, 55437, 55438, 55439, 55440, 55441, 55442, 55443, 55444, 55445, 55446, 55447, 55448, 55449, 55450, 55452, 55453, 55454, 55455, 55456, 55457, 55458, 55459, 55460, 55461, 55462, 55463, 55464, 55465, 55466, 55467, 55468, 55470, 55471, 55472, 55473, 55474, 55476, 55477, 55478, 55479, 55480, 55481, 55482, 55483, 55484, 55485, 55486, 55487, 55488, 55489, 55490, 55492, 55493, 55494, 55495, 55496, 55497, 55498, 55499, 55500, 55501, 55502, 55503, 55504, 55506, and 55507.
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  • 유통
  • 제품 설명
    Axiom Artis dTA, Axiom Artis Modular Angiography X-Ray System, Model number 7008605.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Model number 7413078. Serial numbers: 46129, 46189, 46190, 46206, 46208, 46209, 46210, 46211, 46212, 46213, 46214, 46215, 46216, 46217, 46218, 46219, 46220, 46221, 46222, 46223, 46224, 46225, 46226, 46227, 46228, 46229, 46230, 46231, 46232, 46233, 46234, 46235, 46236, 46237, 46238, 46239, 46241, 46242, 46243, 46244, 46245, 46246, 46248, 46249, 46250, 46251, 46253, 46254, and 46255.
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
  • 제품 설명
    Axiom Artis dTC, Axiom Artis Modular Angiography X-Ray System, Model number 7413078.
  • Manufacturer
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