Device Recall Boston Scientific


  • 제조사 주소
    Boston Scientific Corporation, 1 Boston Scientific Pl, Natick MA 01760-1536
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데이터에 대해 더 자세히 알아보기 여기

  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    USA distribution: AR, MO, CA, FL, and NV.
  • 제품 설명
    Boston Scientific Fort¿¿ Guide Wire, Floppy Marker Wire, 300cm x 2 cm, REF 34949-02, for use in intravascular interventional procedures.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    USA distribution: AR, MO, CA, FL, and NV.
  • 제품 설명
    Boston Scientific, Fort¿¿ Guide Wire, Floppy, 300cm x 2 cm REF 34949-04, for use in intravascular interventional procedures.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    M00566470, Lot Numbers: 11898070, 11900304, 11098441, 11915503, 11916278, 11922657, 11930346, 11952977, 12018370, 12143998 and 12149325; and M00566471, Lot Numbers: 11906398, 11931539, 11942414, 11946168, 11957022, 11960383, 11963776, 11974413, 12000788, 12069495, 12300003, 12307021, 12318714 and 12392032.
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution -- United States, India, Japan and Slovenia.
  • 제품 설명
    Boston Scientific EndoVive 20F (6.7 mm) Safety PEG Kit, Push Method for use with sterile Xylocaine ampule, latex free, sterile, Boston Scientific Corp., Natick, MA; Cat. no./REF 6647, inner pouch UPN M00566470 and outer carton UPN M00566471. || The devices are indicated for providing nutrition directly into the stomach in adult and pediatric patients who are unable to consume nutrition by conventional means.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    M00566490, Lot Numbers: 18893672, 11942231 and 12163810; and M00566491, Lot Numbers: 11934737 and 11996717.
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution -- United States, India, Japan and Slovenia.
  • 제품 설명
    Boston Scientific EndoVive 24F (8 mm) Safety PEG Kit, Push Method for use with sterile Xylocaine ampule, latex free, sterile, Boston Scientific Corp., Natick, MA; Cat. no./REF 6649, inner pouch UPN M00566490 and outer carton UPN M00566491. || The devices are indicated for providing nutrition directly into the stomach in adult and pediatric patients who are unable to consume nutrition by conventional means.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    M00566530, Lot Numbers: 11941297 and 11996705; and M00566531, Lot Numbers: 11941297 and 11996705.
  • 의료기기 분류등급
  • 의료기기 등급
  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution -- United States, India, Japan and Slovenia.
  • 제품 설명
    Boston Scientific EndoVive 20Fr (6.7 mm) Safety PEG Kit, Push Method, latex free, sterile, Boston Scientific Corp., Natick, MA; Cat. no./REF 6653, inner pouch UPN M00566530 and outer carton UPN M00566531. || The devices are indicated for providing nutrition directly into the stomach in adult and pediatric patients who are unable to consume nutrition by conventional means.
  • Manufacturer
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