• 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
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  • 유통
    Nationwide Distribution. Canada - FMCNA is not conducting the recall to Canada, as Health Canada did not require the same modifications to the machines
  • 제품 설명
    Fresenius 2008K@home || The Fresenius 2008K@home is indicated for acute and chronic dialysis therapy in an acute or chronic facility. The 2008K@home is also indicated for hemodialysis in the home and must be observed by a trained and qualified person as prescribed by their physician.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • 제조사 주소
    Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc., 920 Winter St, Waltham MA 02451-1521
  • 제조사 모회사 (2017)
  • Source

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  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    4P¿226813; 4P¿226815; 4P-226817; 4P-226818; 4P¿226819; 4P-226820; 4P-226821; 4P-226822
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  • 유통
    Distributed in OK and FL.
  • 제품 설명
    ASSY, POWER SUPPLY 130V 50HZ. This component is used with the following machines: 2008T Hemodialysis Machine, 2008K Hemodialysis Delivery Equipment, 2008 K2 Hemodialysis Delivery Equipment || 2008K@home Hemodialysis Delivery System
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Serial Numbers: 1C31M140038 1C31M140040 1C31M140041 1C31M140042 1C31M140033 1C31M140034 1C31M140035 1C31M140030 1C31M140075 1C31M140031 1C31M140027 1C31M140054 1C31M140057 1C31M140060 1C31M140039 1C31M140056 1C32M140005, 1C32M140059, 1C32M140058, 1C32M140014, 1C32M140013, 1C32M140004, 1C32M140012, 1C32M140011, 1C32M140009, 1C32M140008, 1C32M140003, 1C32M140007, 1C32M140006, 1C32M140023, 1C32M140021, 1C32M140022, 1C32M140020, 1C31M140073, 1C31M140050
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  • 유통
    CT, NY
  • 제품 설명
    Fresenius Crit Line in a Clip (CLiC) with SW version 2.51 Model Number: CL10041001. A continuous real-time monitor for non-invasive hematocrit, oxygen saturation and percent change in blood volume calculation during hemodialysis treatment.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Serial numbers: 0K0S151413 1K0S167702-7721 1K0S169224-244 1K0S170300-311 1K0S171475-499 1K0S171807-849 1K0S172042-061 1K0S172179-199 1K0S172200-205 1K0S172263-266 2K0S174112-149 2K0S174228-246 2K0S175602-628 2K0S179477-501 2K0S180512 2K0S180513 2K0S180516-533 2K0S180542 2K0S180543 2K0S180546 2K0S180628 2K0S180629 2K0S181311-332 2K0S181338-340 2K0S181343-347 2K0S181705-719 3K0S182625-659 3K0S183305-324 3K0S183906-920 3K0S183971-980 3K0S184849-912 3K0S185281-284 3K0S185307-311 3K0S185716-745 3K0S185974-989 3K0S185991-998 3K0S186031-045 3K0S186933-962 3K0S186989-7002 4K0S190280 4K0S190306- 4K0S190307 4K0S190309 4K0S190313 4K0S190319 4K0S190509-543 4K0S190829-854 4K0S191122-141 4K0S191229-234 4K0S191511-513 4K0S191569-572 4K0S191578- 588 4K0S192226-245 4K0S192512 4K0S192514-517 4K0S192520 4K0S192522-524 4K0S192526 4K0S192528 4K0S192529 4K0S192533 4K0S192536 4K0S192538 4K0S192540 4K0S192729 4K0S192735 4K0S-J232 4K0S-J943-J944 4K0S-J947-J952 4K0S-L720-L723 4K0S-M703-M708 4K0S-N151- N160 4K0S-N842- N850 4K0S-N913 4K0S-P288- P299 4K0S-P980- P982 4K0S-Q634- Q643 4K0S-Q688- Q697 4K0S-R079- R083 4K0S-R106- R115 4K0S-R134-R138 4K0S-S703- S722 5K0S-159D- 168D 5K0S-180C- 185C 5K0S-305C- 312C 5K0S-320C- 321C 5K0S-322B 5K0S-354D- 363D 5K0S-451B 5K0S-453B-457B 5K0S-459B- 470B 5K0S-866B- 869B 5K0S-877D- 886D 5K0S-T139 5K0S-T880- T899 5K0S-U131 5K0S-V190- V204 5K0S-X981- X983 5K0S-X986- X990 5K0S-Y001- Y010 5K0S-Z650- Z669 6K0S-004Q 6K0S-006M 6K0S-006Q- 014Q 6K0S-007M- 11M 6K0S-008R- 015R 6K0S-016M- 027M 6K0S-017R- 019R 6K0S-027Q- 031Q 6K0S-050M- 053M 6K0S-056N- 063N 6K0S-085L 6K0S-092L 6K0S-191E- 195E 6K0S-216E- 220E 6K0S-317L- 327L 6K0S-318H- 327H 6K0S-331H- 340H 6K0S-431N- 432N 6K0S-435N- 438N 6K0S-466G- 474G 6K0S-467K- 373K 6K0S-469J- 475K 6K0S-476G- 485G 6K0S-477J- 493J 6K0S-477K- 492K 6K0S-501F- 517F 6K0S-532F- 534F 6K0S-610L 6K0S-668L- 673L 6K0S-715R- 718R 6K0S-721R 6K0S-722R 6K0S-725R- 732R 6K0S-745N- 758N 6K0S-770R- 783R 6K0S-787R 6K0S-801K- 803K 6K0S-805K- 822K 6K0S-834N 6K0S-835N 6K0S-844G- 852G 6K0S-938Q- 946Q 6K0S-949Q- 955Q 6K0S-957Q 6K0S-958Q 6K0S-974P- 976P 6K0S-981P 6K0S-982G 6K0S-985P- 987P 6K0S-992P- 998P 7K0S100575- 579 7K0S100615- 618 7K0S100621 7K0S100714 7K0S100716 7K0S100718- 720 7K0S100936- 938 7K0S100940 7K0S101630- 634 7K0S102597- 605 7K0S102656 7K0S102657 7K0S102659- 665 7K0S102982- 986 7K0S103047- 051 7K0S103528- 532 7K0S103595- 599 7K0S103780- 784 7K0S103840- 844 7K0S103895- 899 7K0S104956- 960 7K0S105016 7K0S105020- 023 7K0S105075- 078 7K0S105080 7K0S105990- 994 7K0S106053- 056 7K0S106115 7K0S106374- 378 7K0S106397- 400 7K0S106422 7K0S106456 7K0S106458- 460 7K0S106467 7K0S107627- 631 7K0S107745- 754 7K0S107921- 925 7K0S107994- 999 7K0S108010 7K0S108012 7K0S108015 7K0S108079 7K0S108080 7K0S108255- 258 7K0S108312 7K0S108327- 330 7K0S108372- 376 7K0S108482- 486 7K0S109370- 374 7K0S109397- 401 7K0S109462- 466 7K0S109902- 906 7K0S110118- 121 7K0S110123 7K0S110136- 138 7K0S110141 7K0S110142 7K0S110412 7K0S110416- 418 7K0S110422 7K0S110427 7K0S110428 7K0S110431 7K0S110433 7K0S110434 7K0S110456 7K0S110460- 463 7K0S110484 7K0S110486 7K0S110487 7K0S110489 7K0S110492 7K0S110513 7K0S110514 7K0S110517 7K0S110518 7K0S110521 7K0S110540 7K0S110542 7K0S110543 7K0S110705 7K0S110706 7K0S110710 7K0S110711 7K0S110713 7K0S110715 7K0S110718 7K0S110732 7K0S110733 7K0S110735 7K0S110737 7K0S110739 7K0S110743 7K0S110750 7K0S110769- 771 8K0S117578- 582 8K0S125841 8K0S125842 8K0S125844- 850 8K0S125865 8K0S128089- 120 8K0S131366-399 8K0S131400- 405 8K0S131412- 416 8K0S131420- 447 9K0S134408 9K0S134500
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  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution: US (Nationwide) and countries of: Canada and Mexico.
  • 제품 설명
    2008 Series Hemodialysis Machines: 2008Kathome - 190895 2008T GEN 2 BIBAG WITHOUT CDX; 190908 2008T HD SYSTEM WITH CDX, CANADA; 190713 2008T HEMODIALYSIS SYS., with CDX; 190766 2008T HEMODIALYSIS SYSTEM W/BIBAG; 190858 2008T HEMODIALYSIS SYSTEM WITHOUT CDX || The Fresenius 2008K is indicated for acute and chronic dialysis therapy.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Serial Numbers: 0K0S-0009 0K0S-0011- 0015 0K0S-0018 0K0S-0019 0K0S-0021- 0028 0K0S-0030- 0032 0K0S-0034- 0036 0K0S-0038- 0040 0K0S-0042 0K0S-0044- 077 0K0S-0080- 278 0K0S-0280- 285 0K0S-0287- 478 0K0S-0480- 552 0K0S-0554- 677 0K0S-0679- 884 0K0S-0886- 900 0K0S-0902- 916 0K0S-0918 0K0S-0920 0K0S-0921 0K0S-0923- 926 0K0S-0928- 934 0K0S-0936- 942 0K0S-0944- 958 0K0S-0961 0K0S-0962 0K0S-0964- 991 0K0S-0993- 0999 1K0S-1001- 4999 2K0S-5000- 9999 2K0S-A000- A999 2K0S-B000- B999 3K0S-C000- C999 3K0S-D000- D999 3K0S-E000- E999 3K0S-F000- F999 3K0S-G000- G999  3KOS-H000- H999 4H0S-J275 4K0S-J000- J999 4K0S-K000- K999 4K0S-L000- L999 4K0S-M000- M999 4K0S-N000- N999 4K0S-P000- P999 4K0S-Q000- Q999 4K0S-R000- R999 4K0S-S000- S999 4K0S-T615 4KK0S-Q907 50S-W536 5K0S-000A- 999D 5K0S-T000- T999 5K0S-U000- U999 5K0S-V000- V999 5K0S-W000- W999 5K0S-X000- X999 5K0S-Y011- Y999 5K0S-Z000- Z999 5K0-Y176 6K0S-000E- 999E 6K0S-000F- 999E 6K0S-000G- 999E 6K0S-000H- 999H 6K0S-000J- 999J 6K0S-000K- 999K 6K0S-000L- 999L 6K0S-000M- 999M 6K0S-000N- 999N 6K0S-000P- 999P 6K0S-000Q- 999Q 6K0S-000R- 999R 6K0S-000S- 999S 6K0S-000T- 159T 7K0S100001- 115591 7KOS103444 7KOS103556 7KOS104151 7KOS104219 7KOS104293 7KOS104318 8K0S115592- 121299 8K0S121301- 126597 8K0S1269573 8K0S127201- 130767 8K0S130769 8K0S130770- 131327 8K0S131329 8K0S131331 8K0S131333- 1365 8K0S131406- 1411 8K0S131417-1419 8K0S131426 8K0S131448
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  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution: US (Nationwide) and countries of: Canada and Mexico.
  • 제품 설명
    2008 Series Hemodialysis Machines: 2008K with the following product code and description: 190305 2008K (w/ OLC); 190371 2008K System Std (w/OLC and Diasafe Plus); 190300 2008K System Std (w/OLC and Diasafe); 190336 2008K System w/ Fifth Module Holder; 190517 2008K System w/ OLC and Diasafe Plus - Spanish; 190302 2008K System w/ OLC and Short Cab; 190306 2008K System w/ Short Cabinet; 190373 2008K System w/ Short Cabinet; 190305 2008K System w/o Diasafe; 190301 2008K System w/o HP; 190372 2008K System w/o HP; 190303 2008K System w/o OLC and Diasafe; 190304 2008K System w/o OLC and Diasafe and HP; 190452 2008K System w/o OLC and w/ Diasafe Plus; 190303 2008K W/O OLC and DIASAFE W/ HEPARIN PUMP; 190304 2008K W/O OLC and DIASAFE W/O HEPARIN PUMP || The Fresenius 2008K is indicated for acute and chronic dialysis therapy.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Serial Numbers: 0K0S-0678 0K0S-0885 0K0S-0901 0K0S-0917 0K0S-0922 0K0S-0927 0K0S-0935 0K0S-0943 0K0S-0959 0K0S-0960 0K0S-0963 0K0S-0992 0K0S149209-149999 0K0S150000- 152000 0K0S152001- 154000 0K0S154001- 160000 0K0S160001- 162000 0K0S162001- 165353 0S154030 1K0S-1000 1K0S-1022 1K0S-1027 1K0S-1029 1K0S-1035 1K0S-1037 1K0S-1044- 1046 1K0S-1065 1K0S-1067 1K0S-1070 1K0S-1094 1K0S-1095 1K0S-1102 1K0S-1103 1K0S-1121 1K0S165354- 174103 2K0S174104 2K0S174105- 174111 2K0S174150- 182134 2K0S-5783 2K0S-5802 2K0S-6015 2K0S-6046 2K0S-6065 2K0S-6067 2K0S-6109 2K0S-6232 2K0S-6266 2K0S-9573 3K0S182135- 188639 4K0S188640- 192508 4K0S192542 4K0S192545 4K0S192550- 192553 4K0S192555 4K0S192566- 192569 4K0S192571 4K0S192572 4K0S192575- 192577 4K0S192579 4K0S192581 4K0S192584- 192586 4K0S192588 4K0S192593 4K0S192602 4K0S192603 4K0S192605 4K0S192675 4K0S192738- 192740 4K0S-N592 4K0S-Q302 4K0S-Q350 4K0S-Q362 4K0S-Q425 4K0S-Q467 4K0S-Q470 4K0S-Q502 5K0S-132B 5K0S-856B 5K0S-T230 5K0S-V420 5K0S-X901 5K0S-Y378 6K0S-029N 6K0S-151Q 6K0S-180Q 6K0S-205M 6K0S-239M 6K0S-255N 6K0S-315N 6K0S-331Q 6K0S-821G 6K0S-903R 6K0S-942S 7K0S103279 7K0S103983 7K0S104826 7K0S112150 7K0S112155 7K0S115550 8K0S118640 8K0S121287 8K0S122793 8K0S126296- 126305 8K0S126314- 126323 8K0S126573 8K0S128448 8K0S128506 8K0S129030- 129033 8K0S129211- 129321 8K0S129335 8K0S129337- 129339 8K0S129369 8K0S129431- 129435 8K0S129440 8K0S129447- 129490 8K0S129503- 129516 8K0S129893 8K0S130289 8K0S130296 8K0S130300 8K0S130304 8K0S130324 8K0S130345 8K0S130347 8K0S130546 8K0S130548 8K0S130552 8K0S130556 8K0S130559 8K0S130565 8K0S130567 8K0S130571 8K0S130574 8K0S130726 8K0S130751 8K0S130768 8K0S130771- 130773 8K0S130819 8K0S130951 8K0S131043 8K0S131046 8K0S131120 8K0S131133 8K0S131328 8K0S131330 8K0S131449- 132162 9K0S132163- 135000 9K0S135001- 149208 9KOS137160 OKOS149422
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  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution: US (Nationwide) and countries of: Canada and Mexico.
  • 제품 설명
    2008 Series Hemodialysis Machines: 2008K2 with the following product code and description: 190633 2008K2 HEMO SYSTEM, OPTIONAL MODULE; 190618 2008K2 HEMODIALYSIS SYS OLC/DP, SPANISH; 190610 2008K2 HEMODIALYSIS SYS. OLC/DIASAFE PLS; 190630 2008K2 MACHINE, SHORT CAB, OLC/DP, HP; 190628 2008K2 OLC ONLY WITH HEPARIN PUMP || The Fresenius 2008K is indicated for acute and chronic dialysis therapy.
  • Manufacturer
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