Device Recall Baxter 6060 Solution Sets with AutoClamp
모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
Product codes 2M9859, 2M9856, 2M9856K, 2M9857, 2M9858, 2M9858K, 2M9860, 2M9861, 2M9862, 2M9874K, 2M9875K, 2L9003, 2L9004, 2L9005, 2L9006; all sets with lot numbers below R03K25200. The lot number R03XXXXXX (format RYYMDDNNC) is broken down as follows: R = manufacturing plant location; YY = numeric year (01, 02, 03); M = alpha month, A = January through L = December; DD = numeric day of month; NN = numeric batch number for the day, 01 - 99; C = numeric check digit generated by computer.