Device Recall Richard Wolf Medical Instrument Corp. ICart

  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    (NOTE: The listed serial numbers are for the carts manufactured and include those that were distributed.)   1) Part Number: 31113.801; Serial Numbers: 1306000, 1306007, 1306014, 1306021, 1306103, 1306001, 1306008, 1306015, 1306022, 1306104, 1306002, 1306009, 1306016, 1306023, 1306105, 1306003, 1306010, 1306017, 1306024, 1307100, 1306004, 1306011, 1306018, 1306100,  1307101, 1306005, 1306012, 1306019, 1306101, 1307102, 1306006, 1306013, 1306020, 1306102, 1317103.   2) Part Number: 31113.701; Serial Numbers: 11001, 11011, 11020, 11030, 11039, 11048, 11058, 11002, 11012, 11021, 11031, 11040, 11049, 11059, 11003, 11013, 11023, 11032, 11041, 11050, 11060, 11005, 11014, 11024, 11033, 11042, 11051, 11061, 11006, 11015, 11025, 11034, 11043, 11052, 11063, 11007, 11016, 11026, 11035, 11044, 11053, 11064, 11008, 11017, 11027, 11036, 11045, 11055, 11065, 11009, 11018, 11028, 11037, 11046, 11056, 11066, 11010, 11019, 11029, 11038, 11047, 11057, 11067.
  • 의료기기 분류등급
  • 의료기기 등급
  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
  • 제품 설명
    The I-Cart is used to store, transport, and power video equipment used in medical procedures.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • 제조사 주소
    Richard Wolf Medical Instruments Corp., 353 Corporate Woods Pkwy, Vernon Hills IL 60061-3110
  • 제조사 모회사 (2017)
  • Source