Device Recall Leica

  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Product Code: NCL-L-CD15; Lot Numbers and Expiration Dates: Lot 6022274, Expiry 2015-04; Lot 6024628, Expiry 2015-08; Lot 6030581, Expiry 2016-07
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution - US Nationwide in the states of CA, CT, FL, IA, ID, IL, MT, NC, NY, TX, WA and in the countries of: Argentina, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, El Salvador, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Nigeria, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom.
  • 제품 설명
    Liquid Mouse Monoclonal Antibody CD15 used is laboratories to perform immunohistochemical (IHC) staining. || Product Usage: NCL-L-CD15 is intended for the qualitative identification by light microscopy of CD15 molecules in paraffin sections. The clinical interpretation of any staining or its absence should be complemented by morphological studies using proper controls and should be evaluated within the context of the patients clinical history and other diagnostic tests by a qualified pathologist.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • 제조사 주소
    Leica Microsystems, Inc., 1700 Leider Ln, Buffalo Grove IL 60089-6622
  • 제조사 모회사 (2017)
  • Source

유사한 이름을 가진 의료기기 1건 유사한 이름을 가진 의료기기 18 건

데이터에 대해 더 자세히 알아보기 여기

  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Product Code: Leica ASP6025   Serial Numbers: 163, 169, 200-729, 731, 733, 735, 737, 739, 741, 743, 745, 747, 749, 751, 753, 755, 757, 759, 761, 763, 765, 767, 769, 771, 773, 775, 777, 779, 781, 783, 785, 787, 789, 791, 793, 795, 797, 799, 801, 803, 805, 807, 809, 811.
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  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution - US including AR, AZ, CA, CT, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MD, MN, MO, MT, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH,PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, WI, WV and District of Columbia. Foreign distribution to United Arab Emirates, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic , Germany, Spain, France, England, Georgia, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, India, Italy, Jordan, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Lithuania, Myanmar, Mexico, Malaysia, Netherland, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Serbia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovenia, Thailand, Turkey, Taiwan, and South Africa.
  • 제품 설명
    The Leica ASP6025 Tissue Processor. Pathology and Hematology Departments. || The Leica ASP6025 Tissue Processor is an automated system used to process tissue specimens for examination through fixation, dehydration and infiltration.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Product Code DS9390 with lot numbers 41203, 41407, 41478, 41575, 41619, 41779, 41872, 42027, 42105, 42172, 42181, 42251, 42345, 42397, 42512 and 42594.
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) Distribution and to the countries of : Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan , Netherlands, Romania Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and UK.
  • 제품 설명
    Bond Polymer Refine Red Detection DS9390 kits. The common name of the device is detection system for in vitro diagnostic use. The Intended Use states that Bond Polymer Refine Red Detection is a biotin-free, polymeric alkaline phosphatase (AP)-linker antibody conjugate system for the detection of tissue-bound mouse and rabbit IgG and some mouse IgM primary antibodies. It is intended for staining sections of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue on the BOND automated system.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Product Code/Name: PA0552 (All Lots) Bond Ready-to-Use Primary Antibody PAX-5 (1EW).   Detection Kit: DS9800 BondTM Polymer Refine Detection Kit. Affected Detection Kit Lots: 42314, 42388, 42474, 42486, 42499, 42555, 42570, 42579, 42627, 42645, 42683, 42780, 42802, 42823, 42852, 43050.
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  • 유통
    US Consignees incluude: AR ,AZ ,CA ,CO ,CT ,DC ,DE ,FL ,GA ,HI ,IA ,IL ,KY ,LA ,MA ,MD ,MI ,MN ,MO ,MT ,NC ,NH ,NJ ,NY ,OH ,OK ,PA ,PR ,SC ,TN ,TX ,UT ,VA ,VT ,WA ,WI and WV. Foreign Consignees include:Argentina , Australia , Brazil , Bulgaria , Chile , China , Ecuador ,Egypt , El Salvador , Finland , France , Georgia , Germany , Greece , India , Italy , Japan , Jordan , Kuwait , Lebanon , Malaysia , Philippines , Poland , Portugal , Romania , Russian Fed. , Singapore , South Korea , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Thailand , Tunisia , Turkey , United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates.
  • 제품 설명
    This reagent is for in vitro diagnostic use. Pax-5 (1EW) monoclonal antibody is intended to be used for the qualitative identification by light microscopy of human Pax-5 in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue by immunohistochemical staining using the automated Bond system.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    OH5-51313; OH4-112214; OH5-49112; OH5-67914; OH4-101213; OH5-20238; OH4-91913; OH5-43312; OH5-54113; OH5-64514; OH4-103014; OH4-106514; OH4-87112; OH4-95413; OH4-94213; OH4-106014; OH4-105514; OH4-94813; OH4-102514; OH4-91113; OH4-87312; OH4-106714; OH5-62113; OH5-46112; OH5-50512; OH4-85912; OH4-81512; OH5-61013; OH5-53913; OH4-95013; OH4-91413; OH4-110614; OH4-94613; OH4-104714; OH4-87212; OH4-85712; OH5-50212; OH4-96213; OH4-88913; OH4-89613; OH5-55113; OH4-99413; OH5-48112; OH4-90713; OH5-66314; OH5-68314; OH4-109414; OH4-83912; OH5-48012; OH4-101313; OH4-86812; OH5-60113; OH5-60313; OH5-37311; OH4-86612; OH5-62913; OH4-95813; OH4-90613; OH4-103614; OH5-48212; OH5-48312; OH5-58313; OH5-53513; OH5-63313; OH4-92613; OH5-43812; OH5-56713; OH5-68114; OH4-81412; OH4-98013; OH5-33911; OH5-61913; OH5-52813; OH4-110714; OH5-46312; OH5-51113; OH4-106814; OH4-112714; OH5-63514; OH5-39012; OH5-63013; OH4-111614; OH4-97013; OH4-97613; OH4-107414; OH4-109514; OH4-109614; OH4-92513; OH4-104614; OH4-93113; OH4-85812; OH4-105414; OH4-99913; OH4-91813; OH4-94913; OH4-107914; OH4-83812; OH4-100413; OH4-107214; OH5-41012; OH5-56013; OH4-85612; OH4-99713; OH4-97513; OH5-50312; OH4-109814; OH5-52013; OH5-61413; OH5-61513; OH5-62613; OH5-68614; OH5-51413; OH4-83112; OH4-108114; OH5-68214; OH4-96513; OH5-51513; OH4-100613; OH4-88213; OH5-58813; OH4-91613; OH5-53713; OH5-53813; OH4-98513; OH4-97713; OH5-36411; OH4-106414; OH5-63213; OH5-63413; OH4-100313; OH4-105914; OH5-67214; OH4-81612; OH4-108314; OH5-46612; OH5-46512; OH5-51913; OH4-96713; OH4-103314; OH4-83212; OH4-87012; OH4-95513; OH4-95713;OH5-35611; OH4-86512; OH4-104314; OH4-104414; OH4-110814; OH4-92413; OH4-100013; OH5-54913; OH5-56213; OH4-102414; OH5-39512; OH5-43712; OH4-98713; OH4-98813; OH4-98913; OH5-43912; OH5-39812; OH5-49012; OH5-39112; OH5-48712; OH5-50813; OH5-35811; OH5-55713; OH4-92713; OH5-58213; OH5-50713; OH4-102214; OH4-112614; OH4-96913; OH4-85512; OH4-92213; OH4-100513; OH4-101113; OH4-20446; OH4-20977; OH4-21557; OH4-22207; OH4-22378; OH4-24019; OH4-69311; OH4-70811; OH4-71411; OH143+684-74711; OH4-76212; OH4-76612; OH4-79312; OH4-79912; OH4-81312; OH4-82512; OH4-99213; OH5-20218; OH5-20328; OH5-20558; OH5-20788; OH5-20808; OH5-20818; OH5-20828; OH5-20858; OH5-21108; OH5-21128; OH5-21379; OH5-21679; OH5-22410; OH5-24410; OH5-20618
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution-US (nationwide) including Puerto Rico and the states of MA, CA, SC, NJ, TX, CO, FL, PA, NY, MO, WI, NC, UT, ID, AZ, MI, KY, CT, OR, , IL, AL, MN, MT, OH, NE, GA, IN, SD, TN, OK, AK, KS, NV, NM, , ND, VA, WA, WY and MD, and the countries of China, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, India, Japan, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Belarus, Egypt, Greece, Morocco, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russian Fed., Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, Canada, , Australia, Malaysia and Taiwan.
  • 제품 설명
    Leica Microsystems (Schweiz) Ag. The common name of the device is surgical microscope. It has been assigned the product code FSO by the FDA and is classified as a Class I medical device. || Intended for improving the visibility of objects through magnification and illumination.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Serial # System 300139 23ADMWS 300157 23ADMWS 300154 23ADMR 300153 23ADMR 300152 23ADMWS 300133 23ADMR 300132 23ADMR 300131 23ASLOMWS 300160 23ADMWS 300127 23AUWS 300128 23ASlDMWS 300151 23ADMR 300150 23ASlDMWS 300155 23ASLDMWS 300159 23ASLOMWS 300129 23ADMR 300156 23ADMWS 300140 23ASLDMWS 300149 23ADMR 300148 23ADMR 300147 23AOMR 300146 23ADMR 300145 23ADMR   300144 23ADMR   300130 23ADMWS  300134 23ASLDMWS 300142 23ASLDMWS 300138 23ASLDMWS 300135 23ADMWS 300136 23ASLDMWS
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    U.S. consignees: Nationwide; Foreign Consignees: China, Japan, Russia, Italy and England.
  • 제품 설명
    Ariol is an automated scanning microscope and image analysis system. It is intended for in vitro diagnostic use as an aid to the pathologist in the detection, classification, and counting of cells of interest based on particular color, intensity, size, pattern, and shape. || This particular Ariol software application is intended to measure, count, and quantitate the percentage and intensity of positively stained nuclei in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue specimens immunohistochemically stained for Estrogens Receptors or Progesterone Receptors (ER/PR). ER/PR results are indicated for use as and aid in the management, prognosis, and prediction of therapy outcomes of breast cancer.
  • Manufacturer
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