Device Recall Lineage Liners

  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    REF 70102846 Serial numbers: 06217334, 06217335, 06217336, 07218879, 10229555, 12339970, 12342378, 09345262, 11356669, 03459689, 03460757, 05478476, 06487845, 09491060, 11497839, 114131987, 025179937, 035198678, 035199154, 075211008, 085258159, 095267627, 085267672, 125294335,  016302354, 026317823, 026322014, 056332874, 056340972, 066346343, 066347890, 066349011, 076361472, 086364785, 086365941, 086365942, 086366614, 027403696, 027405367, 037417244, 037417245, 037423200, 047423201, 057426382, 057436510, 067442040, 067445874, 067447459,  077449134, 077456252, 077456253, 077458343, 087458991, 097465277, 097465278, 107473197, 097476410, 107481165, 107485823, 107486701, 117486702, 117495033, 127500338, 127500339, 038523902, 028523903, 028533974, 028533976, 038533977, 048571510, 048571511, 078595472,  078595473, 108669048, 108694963, 108694964, 118706230, 029763680, 029780243, 069816370, 069829627, 069835276, 069840533, 069841537, 069842578, 069871618, 099893231, 0301059446, 0301059448, 0301059449, 0301076824, 0301080515, 0301084486, 0301084488, 0301085776, 0301089607, 0301089608, 0401112808, 0601145034, 0601146232, 0801172562, 0801172985, 1101217377, 1381687, 1382260   REF 70202852 Serial Numbers: 06217338, 03442273, 03457113, 094103603, 114115155, 114131988, 067444763, 097458085, 117501995, 018507062, 078595474, 022A147720  REF 70202852 Serial Numbers: 022A147721, 022A147722, 022A147723, 022A147723, 022A147724, 06217340, 04217341, 04217342, 04217343, 04218880, 05218881, 04218882, 08225650, 08227481, 08227482, 10228744, 11228846, 03334611, 05335140, 03339967, 03339968, 08342274, 09345234, 08345235,  10349867, 10349868, 10349869, 03455651, 03457114, 03460758, 05478475, 06487846, 08491061, 08497840, 08499658, 094103604, 114115156, 114131989, 015140898, 015145854, 015167730, 025182498, 025182499, 025185569, 035198684, 055208762, 055228595, 055229916, 065242431,  075242432, 065245652, 085258160, 095267361, 095267673, 085267674, 105281165, 115291529, 125292876, 115292878, 016311871, 016311871, 016311872, 026316752, 026317146, 026317824, 026319568, 046326036, 046329102, 056331319, 056342436, 056344951, 066346344, 066349010,  076361473, 086364783, 086365943, 106369766, 116371021, 116373886, 116382786, 037399873, 027403168, 027403697, 027405368, 027408532, 027408593, 027408594, 027409933, 037417800, 037420888, 047423580, 057431859, 057436511, 067444764, 067445875, 067447445, 067447455,  077449135, 077452390, 077453351, 077457329, 097458992, 087459274, 087464167, 087464168, 097464169, 087466761, 087466762, 087466763, 097471664, 107476411, 107481166, 107481167, 107481168, 107488772, 107488773, 117488774, 117500335, 117500336, 127500337, 018507065,  028507066, 028533978, 028533979, 038533980, 038533981, 068571512, 068571513, 068595475, 068595477, 068628972, 078657275, 078657276, 088657277, 088657277, 088666909, 088668637, 088681722, 098688681, 098688682, 108694972, 108694973, 108694974, 108706231, 019744517,  029744518, 029752395, 029752396, 019780244, 069805762, 059805763, 049826202, 039826203, 059832457, 069837384, 059840534, 069841535, 069841536, 069843282, 079843284, 079871619, 099893232, 099894028, 109943611, 109949751, 119976454, 129984899, 0101009599, 0101019757,  0101048257, 0201049093, 0301049096, 0301064289, 0301064290, 0301076825, 0401079670, 0401079671, 0401089609, 0401089610, 0401108733, 0401109165, 0501137724, 0601138315, 0601138736, 0601142035, 0801177943, 0801178058, 0701179671, 0801189482, 0801189732, 1101214882, 1001214883, 1101215441, 0511308183, 0511308908, 0511311535, 1379458, 1379459, 1379605, 1381323, 1384695   REF 70302858 Serial Numbers: 04217339, 10228742, 09491063, 056340187, 106369767, 106373887   REF 70303258 Serial Numbers: 022A147725, 022A147726, 022A147727, 022A147739, 04217344, 04217345, 04217346, 08225648, 08225648, 08227483, 10228741, 10230588, 05335139, 11339972, 03449870, 03460759, 05478477, 06487847, 08491062, 08497841, 114131990, 114131991, 015155783, LLALMD033E, 075208766, 085258161, 125294334, 016308023, 056333740, 066347206, 086364784, 116366898, 116382787, 037417544, 047420889, 057431860, 057436512, 067445876, 067447458, 077451556, 097458361, 097475906, 107481169, 117481170, 107489026, 127500332, 117500333, 127500334, 018507067, 028533983, 098625460, 108716003, 029753067, 079828958, 069843288, 0201044697, 0401085943, 0401092474, 0401092475, 0401106375, 0401107035, 0501132274, 0601143641, 0601151739, 0701165736, 0901197191, 1388534   REF 70402864 Serial numbers: 11228743, 056339647, 066347891  REF 70403264 Serial numbers: 08228131, 056330591  REF 70403664 Serial Numbers: 062A147184, 062A147738, 06217348, 09339971, 11355652, 03457115, 03460761, 05478478, 015140899, 055199111, 075241210, 016303424
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    Worldwide Distribution - US (nationwide) Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Columbia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Iran, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Netherlands, Turkey, Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and Vietnam.
  • 제품 설명
    Lineage Liners: || REF 70102846, REF 70202852, REF 70202852, REF 70302858, REF 70303258, REF 70402864, REF 70403264, REF 70403664 || For use with the conserve metal head
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