Bullet-Tip PEEK VBR/IBF System, 32mm(l) 13mm(H) Implant 32-13-32 UDI (01)008464680341 08(17)191218(10)200827; T-Plus PEEK VBR/IBF System, 10mm(W) x 27mm(l) x 13mm(H) Implant, 6degree lordotic 30-T-13-6 UDI (01) 00846468032920(17) 200116(10) 202726; and T-Plus PEEK VBR/IBF System, 10mm(W) x 36 mm(l) x 13mm(H) Implant, 6degree lordotic 30-T-1036-13-6 UDI (01)00846468032760(17)200115(10)202582. These products are part of the lnterbody Fusion Vertebral || Body Replacement System to ensure stability of the spine and adequate compression of the implant.