• 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Brilliance 64: System Code #728231 Serial numbers: 9847, 9936, 9937, 9963, 10067, 10146, 10155, 10181, 10184, 10189, 10191, 10216, 10240, 10292, 10768, 10769, 10770, 10771, 10772, 10773, 10774, 10776, 10777, 10778, 10779, 10780, 10781, 10782, 10783, 10784, 10785, 10786, 10787, 10788, 10789, 10790, 10791, 10794, 10804, 10807, 29026, 29048, 29065, 29081, 29118, 29151, 91003, 95116, 95142, 95523, 95571, 95660, 95838, 95839, 95840, 95841, 95842, 95843, 95845, 95846, 95847, 95848, 95849, 95850, 95851, 95852, 95853, 95854, 95855, 95856, 95857, 95858, 95863, 95866, 95870, 95871, 95872, 95873, 95877, 95882, 95884, 95885, 95886, 95888, 95889, 95890, 95891, 95892, 95893, 95895, 95896, 95897, 95939, 6000861, 9208A, 9081
  • 의료기기 분류등급
  • 의료기기 등급
  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    US Nationwide Distribution in the states of CA, FL, ID, KS, MI, NY,OH,TX
  • 제품 설명
    Brilliance 64, Computed Tomography X-ray system || Product Usage: || The Brilliance CT 64 scanner is a whole body Computed Tomography X-ray system intended to produce cross-sectional images of the body by computer reconstruction of x-ray transmission data taken at different angles and planes
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • 제조사 주소
    Philips Medical Systems (Cleveland) Inc, 595 Miner Rd, Cleveland OH 44143-2131
  • 제조사 모회사 (2017)
  • Source

유사한 이름을 가진 의료기기 1건 유사한 이름을 가진 의료기기 139 건

데이터에 대해 더 자세히 알아보기 여기

  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Model: Brilliance 64, Ingenuity CT, Ingenuity Core, and Ingenuity Core128, Affected: Versions 4.0.x.xxx to 4.1.4
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Model: Ingenuity CT/Core/Core128, Brilliance 64 CT/iCT SP/iCT, Affected: Software versions: 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Model: Philips Brilliance 64, Ingenuity CT,Ingenuity Core, Ingenuity Core 128, Affected: software versions 4.1.3 and v4.1.4, Software version: 4.1.3 and v4.1.4
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Model: , Affected: , Software version: CT systems running software V4.1.3, 4.1.4, or 4.1.5
  • Manufacturer
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