UDI: (01)00884838059504(21)320403, Serial Number: 320403; UDI: (01)00884838059504(21)320405, Serial Number: 320405; UDI: (01)00884838059504(21)320406, Serial Number: 320406; UDI: (01)00884838059504(21)336321, Serial Number: 336321; UDI: (01)00884838059504(21)320411, Serial Number: 320411; UDI: (01)00884838059504(21)336323, Serial Number: 336323; UDI: (01)00884838059504(21)320425, Serial Number: 320425; Serial Number: 320122
The systems were distributed to the following US states: HI, KS, and MO. The systems were distributed to the following foreign countries: Algeria, Austria, Brazil, China, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Mexico, Poland, Turkey, and Uganda.
UDI: (01)00884838059863(21)336856, Serial Number: 336856; UDI: (01)00884838059863(21)336851, Serial Number: 336851; UDI: (01)00884838059863(21)336849, Serial Number: 336849; UDI: (01)00884838059863(21)336852, Serial Number: 336852; UDI: (01)00884838059863(21)336853, Serial Number: 336853; UDI: (01)00884838059863(21)336855, Serial Number: 336855; UDI: (01)00884838059863(21)336854, Serial Number: 336854; UDI: (01)00884838059863(21)336850, Serial Number: 336850
The systems were distributed to the following US states: HI, KS, and MO. The systems were distributed to the following foreign countries: Algeria, Austria, Brazil, China, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Mexico, Poland, Turkey, and Uganda.