Verify 2 - REGISTER NUMBER: 10158120436, Lot # 161901 - Expiry date: October 2005, Lot # 161888 - Expiry date: October 2006, Lot # 1003551 - Expiry date: February 2007 .. Verify 3 REGISTRATION NUMBER: 10158120552 - Lot nº 161910 - Expiry date: October 2006 and Lot nº 161893 - Validity date: February 2007 의 안전성 경고

Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)에 따르면, 해당 안전성 경고 는 Brazil 에서 Biomérieux Brasil S/A 에 의해 제조된 제품과 관련되어 있습니다.

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    Brazilian data is current through June 2018. All of the data comes from Anvisa, except for the categories Manufacturer Parent Company and Product Classification.
    The Parent Company and the Product Classification were added by ICIJ.
    The parent company information is based on 2017 public records. The device classification information comes from FDA’s Product Classification by Review Panel, based on matches of data from the U.S. and Brazil.
  • 데이터 추가 비고
    In conclusion, there is a definite trend of the instrument between the Thrombolyzer and Option instruments. The% PT values ​​assigned to Verify 2 and Verify 3 are to be labeled in the Option having a normal set (3.2 to 4.6%) or CPO (3.3 to 4.7% PT ) as calibrator. Recovery of% PT values ​​also depends on the CPO lot used. A difference of about 0 to 4% PT was observed depending on the CPO lot used to create the curve. The root cause of customer complaints is a combination of several factors: - Designation of% PT target values ​​only in the instrument MAX. It is the main contributing factor based on the data collected in this study. - Designation of% PT target values ​​using a normal set as the sole calibrator. The normal set is prepared internally with a limited number of donors and minimal characterization. No cross-checks are done when batches are changed. Caliplasma Quick is not used as a calibrator in the designation procedure. - The designation of% PT values ​​for Caliplasma calibrators does not include a reference batch of Caliplasma Quick or a well-characterized batch in the labeling process. This will reduce batch variability in Caliplasma Quick lots and improve recovery of Verify target values. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: Short Term: Based on the consistent trend seen between Option and MAX instruments, Option customers will receive correction factors for Verify 2 and Verify 3 when using Simplastin Excel or Excel S. This will be an intermediate solution, since it solves only the trend factor of the instrument and not the contribution of the calibrator used in the labeling process to the Verify controls. Correction factors were based on data collected from 3 lots of each reagent (Simplastin Excel and Excel S), 2 to 3 lots each of Verify 2 and Verify 3, one batch of GSNPP and 3 lots of CPQ. The correlation coefficients were very good, R = 0.99 for both Simplastin Excel and Simplastin Excel S. Long Term: Qualify a new reference batch of GSNPP for the labeling of both the Verify and CPQ controls. This set will come from a well-reputed source with a minimum of 40 well-characterized donors. Cross-sectional studies will be conducted to qualify new lots of GSNPP. Include a CPQ reference batch in the CPQ test batch labeling. Validate a new procedure to include tests in the Option instrument using both CPQ and GSNPP as calibrators. At least 2 different CPQ lots will be included in the validation. Determine whether you need to provide specific MAX OPTION and OPTION OPTION values ​​for the Verify controls. Include verification tests for the MAX and Option instruments for target values ​​of the Verify control. BioMerieux Brasil has not received any complaints regarding this matter. Note: If your laboratory uses any of these product batch (s), it recommends: - Take the immediate actions of exchange of the tables of reference values ​​for the table (s) with revised values ​​(crof)
  • 원인
    Biomérieux inc. durham, north carolina, usa, found that the verify 2 and verify 3 products were released with incorrect values ​​in the tables. verify controls are provided with percent tp target values ​​(% pt) being used as guides for customers to evaluate the instrument / reagent / quality control system. it is recommended that customers set their own% pt variations for each verify control; however, the average value of% pt should be within the target range provided. based on information collected by gcs, several customers were getting% pt values ​​for verify 2 and verify 3 close to or above the maximum limits provided as target variations. most of these customers used simplastin excel in the option with caliplasma quick (cpq) as the calibrator for the standard curve. there were also complaints from customers who used thrombolyzer and from customers who used simplastin excel s. the consistent pattern of these claims indicated a possible problem with the target values ​​assigned to certain batches of the verify 2 and verify controls.
  • 조치
    The labeling procedures used to designate the percentage percentage of Quick (% PT) for Caliplasma Quick calibrators and for Verify controls were reviewed. In short, the Caliplasma Quick (CPQ) kit (a set of 3 calibrators) is labeled (at the Durham facility) against 2 normal plasma pools (NPP), each designated 100% on the Option instrument. Verify controls are labeled against a normal plasma pool, designated 100% on the Coag-a-Mate MAX (MAX) * instrument. Customers use the Verify controls on both the Option instrument and the MAX instrument having CPQ or NPP as the calibrator. Since most of the claims come from Option, the labeling of Verify controls on MAX (only) was questioned. * Note: Coag-A-Mate MAX is marketed outside the US under the name Thrombolyzer. Two studies were carried out to investigate the impact of instruments, reagents and calibrators on the labeling of the% PT values ​​of the Verify control. Two types of instrument, Option and MAX, were studied; two types of calibrators, normal plasma pool (NPP) or Caliplasma quick; and three types of TP reagents, Simplastin HTF (HTF), Simplastin Excel and Simplastin Excel S. In both studies, the designation of% PT for Verify controls was investigated and in one study a small group of patient plasma who received oral anticoagulants. The conclusions of these two studies were consistent. The data demonstrate that the difference between MAX and Option with Excel is observable, but it is relatively small when compared with + or - 23% of the acceptable target range.


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