DePuy Synthes TI Vectra Plates 의 리콜

U.S. Food and Drug Administration에 따르면, 해당 리콜 는 United States 에서 Synthes, Inc. 에 의해 제조된 제품과 관련되어 있습니다.

이것은 무엇인가요?

의료기기에 문제가 생겼을 경우 제조사가 이를 바로잡거나 시장에서 회수하는 조치를 말한다. 회수(Recall)는 의료기기에 결함이 있거나, 건강에 위협이 되거나, 또는 결함도 있고 건강에도 위협이 될 경우에 발생한다.

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    Class 2
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  • 비고 / 경고
    U.S. data is current through June 2018. All of the data comes from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, except for the category Manufacturer Parent Company.
    The Parent Company was added by ICIJ.
    The parent company information is based on 2017 public records.
  • 데이터 추가 비고
    Appliance, fixation, spinal intervertebral body - Product Code KWQ
  • 원인
    Depuy synthes is initiating a voluntary medical device recall of certain lots of the ti vectra plates, which is a part of the depuy synthes vectra anterior cervical plate family of systems. the vectra systems are intended for anterior screw fixation to the cervical spine (c2-c7). it was discovered in certain lots, that the clips are potentially missing from the ti vectra plates resulting in the i.
  • 조치
    DePuy Synthes sent an Urgent Notice Medical Device Recall letter dated September 2, 2014, to all affected customers. The letter identified the product the problem and the action needed to be taken by the customer. Please take the following actions: If you DO have any of the identified devices, please take the following steps: Call DePuy Synthes at 1-800-479-6329 to obtain a Return Authorization (RA) Number. Complete the Verification Section (page 3 of this letter) by checking the appropriate box indicating affected product has been located. Also, please indicate the number of devices found and note the Return Authorization Number. Please include your name, title, address, telephone number and signature in the spaces provided. Return the Verification Section (page 3 of this letter) with the product to: Credit/Returns, DePuy Synthes, 1101 Synthes Avenue, Monument, CO 80132. Send a copy of the completed Verification Section to DePuy Synthes by: Fax: (610) 430-7083 or Scan/email: If you DO NOT have the identified product, please take the following steps: Complete the attached Verification Section (page 3 of this letter) by checking the appropriate box indicating that no affected product has been located. Please include your name, title, address, telephone number and signature in the spaces provided. This return documentation acknowledges your receipt of medical information. Return the documents to DePuy Synthes by: Fax: (610) 430-7083 or Scan/email: Note: If the Verification Section is answered on behalf of more than one facility and/or individual, please clearly indicate the name and address of the facility and/or individual on page 3 of the notification. If you have any questions, please call 610-719-5450, or contact your DePuy Synthes sales consultant.


  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    "="" 3="" 57="" 04.613.257=""  lot="" 3693878  ti="" 4="" 64="" 04.613.364="" 8143905"="" v-b-tooltip=""> TI Vectra-One" Plate 2 Level / 34 mm  part 04.613.184  3337672  TI Vectra" Plate 3 Level / 57 mm  part 04.613.257  lot 3693878  TI Vectra" Plate 4 Level / 64 mm  part 04.613.364  lot 8143905
  • 의료기기 분류등급
  • 의료기기 등급
  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    US Distribution including the states of IL, SC, VA, TX, MA, NC, LA, CA, AL, CO, NE, OR and KS., and Internationally to Canada.
  • 제품 설명
    DePuy Synthes TI Vectra Plates: || TI Vectra-One" Plate 2 Level / 34 mm || part 04.613.184 || 3337672 || TI Vectra" Plate 3 Level / 57 mm || part 04.613.257 || lot 3693878 || TI Vectra" Plate 4 Level / 64 mm || part 04.613.364 || lot 8143905
  • Manufacturer


  • 제조사 주소
    Synthes, Inc., 1302 Wrights Ln E, West Chester PA 19380-3417
  • 제조사 모회사 (2017)
  • Source