HeartStart defibrillator 의 리콜

U.S. Food and Drug Administration에 따르면, 해당 리콜 는 United States 에서 Philips Medical Systems 에 의해 제조된 제품과 관련되어 있습니다.

이것은 무엇인가요?

의료기기에 문제가 생겼을 경우 제조사가 이를 바로잡거나 시장에서 회수하는 조치를 말한다. 회수(Recall)는 의료기기에 결함이 있거나, 건강에 위협이 되거나, 또는 결함도 있고 건강에도 위협이 될 경우에 발생한다.

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  • 사례 위험등급
    Class 2
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  • 비고 / 경고
    U.S. data is current through June 2018. All of the data comes from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, except for the category Manufacturer Parent Company.
    The Parent Company was added by ICIJ.
    The parent company information is based on 2017 public records.
  • 데이터 추가 비고
    Defibrillator - Product Code MKJ
  • 원인
    Buttons sticking - the on/off and shock buttons on the front panel of the device may stick in place when pressed and fail to respond to the button press, causing a delay in the delivery of a defibrillation shock when the system advises a shock.
  • 조치
    Three separate Urgent - Device Recall letter were sent out on April 30, 2008 via tractable letter using UPS. 1) The end-customer letter advises of the recall, contact information to arrange a replacement of the device and instructions for checking the equipment to insure it is working correctly. "If your HeartStart Home Defibrillator is one of the affected devices or if you have any questions about this recall, please contact Philips Healthcare at 1.800.263.3342, option 5, or visit www.HeartStartHome.com to arrange for a free replacement defibrillator. If you have given your HeartStart to someone else as a gift, please call us promptly and let us know how to contact that person to arrange for the replacement. While waiting for your replacement unit, Philips recommends that you perform a battery insertion test (BLT) of your HeartStart, as described in the Owner's Manual provided with it. Simply remove the battery, wait 5 seconds, reinstall the battery, then press the shock button when directed. After the BIT has finished, press the green On/Off button twice. If either button does not seem to work, please contact Philips immediate." 2) The dealer/distributor and retail letters advises of the recall; request that the dealer/distributor provide end-customer information. "As part of a coordinated effort involving notification of regulatory authorities, other Philips entities, and support personnel, Philips will be contacting all affected customers directly. It is not necessary for you or your sub-distributors to contact customers." 3) The international customer contacts will be made via established Philips sales and distribution channels. Philips will be replacing international units under a Field Change Order Process (to be provided by the firm). In addition, Philips will provide a website that will provide customers with information related to the recall (www.HeartStartHome).


  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    SN for Laedal "HeartStart Defibrillator": A05I-00051, A05I-00091, A05I-00103, A05I-00125, A05I-00178, A05I-00208, A05I-00211, A05I-00224, A05I-00263, A05I-00283, A05I-00285, A05I-00288, A05I-00289, A05I-00294, A05I-00295, A05I-00297, A05I-00298, A05I-00299, A05I-00300, A05I-00317, A05I-00324, A05I-00346, A05I-00351, A05I-00352, A05I-00353, A05I-00354, A05I-00355, A05I-00356, A05I-00357, A05I-00358, A05I-00359, A05I-00360, A05I-00361, A05I-00362, A05I-00363, A05I-00364, A05I-00365, A05I-00366, A05I-00367, A05I-00368, A05I-00369, A05I-00370, A05I-00371, A05I-00372, A05I-00373, A05I-00374, A05I-00375, A05I-00376, A05I-00377, A05I-00378, A05I-00379, A05I-00380, A05I-00381, A05I-00382, A05I-00383, A05I-00384, A05I-00385, A05I-00386, A05I-00387, A05I-00388, A05I-00389, A05I-00390, A05I-00391, A05I-00392, A05I-00393, A05I-00394, A05I-00395, A05I-00396, A05I-00397, A05I-00398, A05I-00399, A05I-00405, A05I-00451, A05I-00452, A05I-00454, A05I-00455, A05I-00456, A05I-00457, A05I-00458, A05I-00459, A05I-00460, A05I-00462, A05I-00467, A05I-00479, A05I-00488, A05I-00492, A05I-00502, A05I-00507, A05I-00508, A05I-00510, A05I-00519, A05I-00523, A05I-00524, A05I-00532, A05I-00561, A05I-00563, A05I-00598, A05I-00635, A05I-00639, A05I-00641, A05I-00642, A05I-00643, A05I-00647, A05I-00648, A05I-00650, A05I-00706, A05I-00709, A05I-00710, A05I-00711, A05I-00712, A05I-00714, A05I-00715, A05I-00718, A05I-00719, A05I-00720, A05I-00722, A05I-00723, A05I-00742, A05I-00743, A05I-00744, A05I-00746, A05I-00763, A05I-00766, A05I-00767, A05I-00769, A05I-00770, A05I-00774, A05I-00789, A05I-00790, A05I-00795, A05I-00797, A05I-00798, A05I-00809, A05I-00811, A05I-00827, A05I-00854, A05I-00855, A05I-00856, A05I-00860, A05I-00943, A05I-00944, A05I-00970, A05I-00989, A05I-00990, A05I-00991, A05I-01002, A05I-01007, A05I-01027, A05I-01028, A05I-01031, A05I-01036, A05I-01050, A05I-01065, A05I-01068, A05I-01071, A05I-01085, A05I-01095, A05I-01157, A05I-01158, A05I-01246, A05I-01283, A05I-01306, A05I-01346, A05I-01353, A05I-01403, A05I-01415, A05I-01422, A05I-01463, A05I-01497, A05I-01567, A05I-01573, A05I-01577, A05I-01583, A05I-01604, A05I-01625, A05I-01663, A05I-01679, A05I-01704, A05I-01725, A05I-01797, A05I-01838, A05I-01839, A05I-01840, A05I-01874, A05I-01889, A05I-01913, A05I-01981, A05I-01983, A05I-01984, A05I-02002, A05I-02072, A05I-02210, A05I-02324, A05I-02359, A05I-02463, A05I-02524, A05I-02652, A05I-02655, A05I-02672, A05I-02875, A05I-02937, A05I-03167, A05I-03260, A05I-03269, A05I-03421, A05I-03435, A05I-03500, A05I-03533, A05I-03538, A05I-03540, A05I-03627, A05I-03631, A05I-03863, A05I-03884, A05I-03917, A05I-03930, A05I-04017, A05I-04038, A05I-04061, A05I-04066, A05I-04073, A05I-04077, A05I-04078, A05I-04157, A05I-04160, A05I-04193, A05I-04198, A05I-04205, A05I-04248, A05I-04250, A05I-04254, A05I-04257, A05I-04262, A05I-04352, A05I-04469, A05I-04478, A05I-04554, A05I-04583, A05I-04599, A05I-04601, A05I-04615, A05I-04649, A05I-04676, A05I-04691, A05I-04694, A05I-04750, A05I-04751, A05I-04752
  • 의료기기 분류등급
  • 의료기기 등급
  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    Worldwide including USA and countries of Austria, Australia, Canada, Colombia, German, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Spain, France, England, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Panama, Sweden, Singapore, and South Africa.
  • 제품 설명
    Laerdal "HeartStart Defibrillator", model M5067A, under Laerdal brand for Laerdal Medical Corp, Wappingers Falls, NY and is sold outside the U.S. The HeartStart is an automated external defibrillator for use on site and consists of a computer with digital interface and cartridge containing pads.
  • Manufacturer


  • 제조사 주소
    Philips Medical Systems, 2301 5th Ave Ste 200, Seattle WA 98121
  • Source