U.S. data is current through June 2018. All of the data comes from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, except for the category Manufacturer Parent Company.
The Parent Company was added by ICIJ.
The parent company information is based on 2017 public records.
데이터 추가 비고
Syringe, balloon inflation - Product Code MAV
Additional instructions for use due to inability to raise the pressure above 10 atm during inflation phase may result in an incomplete inflation or delay in procedure.
Perouse Medical notified Distributors by Safety Alert Letter sent on October 06, 2014 and and October 07, 2014 by e-mail. The letter identified the defective products and lot numbers and provided a description of the malfunction, risk and mitigation statements. US distributors have been requested to provide the required information to their customers. In addition, the firm has updated device instructions for use. The firm is requiring its customer to fill out a safety notice acknowledgement of receipt form.
US Nationwide Distribution in the states of AZ and CO.
제품 설명
Synthes Inflation System (03.804.4135) || Product Usage: || Inflation system is used during kyphoplasty or other interventional kyphoplasty or other interventional procedures, to create and monitor pressure In the balloon catheter and pressure In the balloon catheter and to to deflate the balloon catheter