

  • 제조사 모회사 (2017)
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데이터에 대해 더 자세히 알아보기 여기

  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Site Numbers:  10009, 10353, 10409, 10432, 13056, 13057, 13894, 17648, 25958, 25986, 26201, 26219, 26269, 35394, 37986, 38111, 38134, 38143, 38303, 38304, 38420, 38438, 38966, 41345, 41391, 45016, 50336, 59435, 59637, 59712, 62450, 62658, 62832, 63046, 76320, 76321, 76359, 76475, 76847, 82546, 82619, 83080, 83301, 83303, 83306, 83325, 83394, 83396, 83804, 83876, 83940, 83946, 83995, 84433, 84477, 84478, 84700, 84820, 84860, 84887, 84899, 85119, 85139, 85141, 85157, 85158, 85172, 85433, 85442, 85500, 85684, 85685, 85686, 85688, 86019, 86056, 86080, 86085, 86121, 86147, 86184, 86236, 86280, 86281, 86292, 86293, 86313, 86317, 86334, 86335, 86381, 86404, 86406, 86407, 86410, 86557, 86560, 86570, 86595, 86596, 86968, 87011, 87018, 87033, 87038, 87053, 87135, 87145, 87146, 87147, 87148, 87161, 87168, 87183, 87188, 87309, 87310, 87526, 87527, 87605, 87607, 100214, 100459, 100460, 100462, 100469, 100478, 100745, 100785, 100786, 100826, 100832, 100916, 101084, 101111, 101138, 101162, 101165, 101206, 101313, 101347, 101408, 101420, 101429, 101431, 101477, 101481, 101551, 101561, 101584, 101585, 101595, 101608, 101780, 101874, 101877, 101878, 101934, 101946, 101976, 102003, 102004, 102018, 102095, 102110, 102137, 102492, 102547, 102548, 102561, 102569, 102571, 102671, 102709, 102718, 102724, 102889, 102907, 102933, 102975, 102978, 102980, 103041, 103062, 103068, 103099, 103126, 103135, 103136, 103142, 103143, 103149, 103166, 103171, 103207, 103215, 103243, 103247, 103291, 103324, 103333, 103347, 103351, 103417, 103450, 103509, 103530, 103540, 103544, 103547, 103552, 103579, 103580, 103582, 103592, 103611, 103631, 103665, 103688, 103703, 103770, 103782, 103789, 103811, 103847, 103904, 103946, 104022, 104032, 104054, 104069, 104070, 104082, 104095, 104102, 104138, 104163, 104193, 104336, 104340, 104343, 104378, 104392, 104393, 104446, 104467, 104532, 104639, 104765, 104800, 104808, 104871, 104886, 104887, 104897, 104900, 104901, 104912, 104918, 104919, 104942, 105148, 105252, 105271, 105290, 105303, 105314, 105315, 105317, 105348, 105368, 105471, 105486, 105488, 105624, 105657, 105687, 105695, 105741, 105925, 105926, 105929, 105938, 225313, 250050, 250122, 250156, 250293, 250890, 500009, 500034, 504243, 504249, 504342, 504353, 504400, 504403, 504409, 504412, 504527, 504531, 504543, 504608, 504628, 504662, 504670, 504738, 504866, 505021, 505049, 505050, 505275, 505337, 505357, 505490, 505514, 505568, 505678, 505777, 505785, 505914, 505940, 505941, 505943, 506034, 506044, 506188, 506190, 506203, 506219, 506296, 506324, 506389, 506570, 506691, 506777, 519124, 519127, 519129, 519147, 519216, 519522, 519525, 519545, 520002, 520113, 520354, 520709, 521429, 530363, 530651, 531767, 533741, 536318, 536649, 542669, 544006, 544503, 545940, 546669, 547235, 550391, 556698, 557719, 557722, 557723, 557724, 557791, 557793, 557801, 557805, 557806, 557807, 557813, 557814, 557843, 557844, 557904, 558118, 558147, 558177, 558200, 558369, 558371, 558374, 558381, 558382, 41923351, and 43668550.
  • 의료기기 분류등급
  • 의료기기 등급
  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    Nationwide Distribution: in the states of AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VA, WA, WI, WV, WY, and Washington DC. There were no foreign consignees.
  • 제품 설명
    The product's marketing brochure states: "1.5T coils and accessories...Philips Achieva and Intera 1.5T MR systems". || The Identification of the Synergy Flex-M/ Shoulder Coil 1.5T can be found on the driver box. The 12nc of the affected system is labeled as 4522-131-6656x.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Site numbers: 505048, 505705, and 41445594.
  • 의료기기 분류등급
  • 의료기기 등급
  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    Nationwide Distribution -- IL, MI, and MD.
  • 제품 설명
    Accessory Cart for The ACHIEVA 3.0T and Panorama 1T Magnetic Resonance Imaging unit. || Consists of diagnostic devices that produce cross sectional images, spectroscopy images and/or spectra in any orientation of the internal structure of the whole body.
  • Manufacturer
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
  • 제품 설명
    Ingenia, Intera, Achieva and Multiva MR Systems on R5.1.1 and R5.1.2
  • Manufacturer
하나 더 57 건 더