Device Recall Olympus ENDOEYE HD II Video Telescopes

  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Serial numbers 622483, 622523, 622553, 622566, 622568, 622569, 622573, 622576, 622614, 622615, 622616, 622617, 622618, 622619, 622620, 622632, 622643, 622644, 622645, 622646, 622647, 622654, 622655, 622656, 622657, 622658, 622664, 622666, 622667, 622687, 622688, 622693, 622704, 622705, 622706, 622710, 622711, 622712, 622718, 622719, 622720, 622722, 622723, 622750, 622753, 622764, 622766, 622767, 622769, 622771, 622773, 622775, 622777, 622778, 622785, 622789, 622795, 622797, 622798, 622801, 622806, 623624, 623626, 623629, 623637, 623638, 623639, 623641, 623661, 623669, 623671, 623672, 623673, 623677, 623687, 623688, 623705, 623709, 623713, 623719, 623720, 623722, 623723, 623729, 623730, 623731, 623735, 623736, 623737, 623738, 623739, 623740, 623741, 623742, 623743, 623747, 623749, 623750, 623751, 623752, 623776, 623778, 623784, 623786, 623787, 623788, 623799, 623800, 623801, 623802, 624004, 624005, 624006, 624008, 624011, 624012, 624016, 624017, 624018, 624019, 624024, 624028, 624030, 624041, 624042, 624046, 624054, 624055, 624056, 624057, 624064, 624066, 624070, 624071, 624073, 624076, 624077, 624080, 624082, 624089, 624099, 624100, 624101, 624104, 624107, 624109, 624110, 624112, 624114, 624117, 624119, 624121, 624151, 624158, 624162, 624167, 624170, 624618, 624622, 624643, 624678, 624679, 624682, 624683, 624720, 622539, 622540, 622570, 622572, 623734, 623748, 624739, and 624741.
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    US Nationwide Distribution including these states: NE, IL, FL, TX, OH, PA, IN, CA, NY, AL, ND, GA, AK, MI, WA, MS, NJ, IA, AZ, and RI.
  • 제품 설명
    Olympus ENDOEYE HD II Video Telescopes. Models WA50040A ENDOEYE HD II, 10 mm, 0 degree, WA50042A ENDOEYE HD II 10 mm, 30 degree, W7100603 Repair cable 10 mm 0/30 degree. The ENDOEYE video Telescopes are used with other supporting equipment for endoscopy and endoscopic surgery within the thoracic and abdominal cavities including the female reproductive organs.
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  • 제조사 주소
    Olympus Corporation of the Americas, 3500 Corporate Pkwy, PO Box 610, Center Valley PA 18034-0610
  • 제조사 모회사 (2017)
  • Source

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  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    All serial numbers
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  • 이식된 장치?
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  • 제품 설명
    Olympus ENDOEYE HD II Video Telescopes || Models: || WA50040A Endoeye HD II, 10 mm, 0 deg., autoclavable; || WA50042A Endoeye HD II, 10 mm, 30 deg., autoclavable; || repair cable 10mm 0/30 deg., part number W7100603
  • Manufacturer