
이름 날짜 시작된 날짜 국가 출처
PEB01H Diathermy Pencil (Electrosurgical electrode) 의 리콜 2013-10-10 Australia DHTGA
ADM/MDM Ball Impactor Tip and ADM Rim Impactor Tip (reusable surgical instrument used to implant Stryker's Automatic Dual Mobility (ADM) and/or the Modular Dual Mobility (MDM) Acetabular Systems) 의 리콜 2013-10-04 Australia DHTGA
Aequalis Reversed II and Reversed Fracture Impactors (supplied as part of Aequalis Reversed II and Reversed Fracture Instrument sets, YKAD83 &YKAD95;) 의 리콜 2013-10-23 Australia DHTGA
TISSUE-GUARD Family of Products - VASCU-GUARD, DURA-GUARD, PERI-GUARD and SUPPLE PERI GUARD (Xenograft) 의 리콜 2013-10-14 Australia DHTGA
Ysio, Luminos Agile, Luminos dRF and Uroskop Omnia Systems with software Versions VB10 and VC10 (diagnostic digital x-ray system) 의 리콜 2013-10-09 Australia DHTGA
Lifestent Vascular Stent System (200 mm stent length) 의 리콜 2013-10-10 Australia DHTGA
Avance, Amingo, Aisys Anaesthesia Devices (software version 8.00) and Avance CS Anaesthesia Devices (with software version 10.00) 의 리콜 2013-10-09 Australia DHTGA
Contoura 1000 and 1080 Beds (used to facilitate management of very obese patients) 의 리콜 2013-10-09 Australia DHTGA
Sapphire Multi Therapy Pump with software Rev09Ver07 (Infusion Pump) 의 리콜 2013-10-10 Australia DHTGA
Basin Liner within Molnlycke ProcedurePak (surgical procedure packs) 의 리콜 2013-10-24 Australia DHTGA
Vygon Purple Nutrisafe Feeding Tube 10 FR 의 리콜 2013-10-14 Australia DHTGA
Single-Site Bipolar Maryland and Single-Site Curved Needle Driver (Reusable endotherapy device with an endoscope) 의 리콜 2013-10-14 Australia DHTGA
TPS MicroDriver (used for surgical procedures involving drilling, reaming, driving wires or pins, cutting bone and hard tissue) 의 리콜 2013-10-10 Australia DHTGA
VITEK MS, firmware version 3.10 and 3.13 (bacterial and fungal identification system which uses the matrix-assisted laser desorption / ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry method) (an in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD)) 의 리콜 2013-10-11 Australia DHTGA
Philips Expression Information Portal - IP5 (Multiparameter patient monitor) 의 리콜 2013-10-11 Australia DHTGA
Reliance Endoscope Processing System (EPS) used with FUJINON G5 and G8 Type Flexible GI Endoscopes 의 리콜 2013-10-25 Australia DHTGA
Volumed VP7000 Premium, Volumed VP7000 Classic Plus, Syramed SP6000 Premium and Syramed SP6000 Classic Plus 의 리콜 2013-10-14 Australia DHTGA
LIKO SlingBar 350, SlingBar 360, SlingBar Wide 670 and SideBar Standard 의 리콜 2013-11-21 Australia DHTGA
Discovery NM/CT 670, Optima NM/CT 640, Discovery NM630 and Brivo NM615 (all configurations) (Nuclear Medicine System) 의 리콜 2013-10-14 Australia DHTGA
Vygon Nutrisafe Syringe Feeding Pumps 의 리콜 2013-10-28 Australia DHTGA
da Vinci S Surgical System, IS2000; da Vinci Si Surgical System IS3000 의 리콜 2013-10-15 Australia DHTGA
IOLMaster (used for the treatment of axial length, corneal curvature, anterior chamber depth and for the determination of the white-to-white distance (WTW) of the human eye, as well as for the calculation of the required intraocular lens) 의 리콜 2013-10-17 Australia DHTGA
IntelliSpace PACS 4.4 (Picture archiving and communication system) 의 리콜 2013-10-17 Australia DHTGA
TDL6000MC Disposable Diathermy - Spatula tip with handle (Electrosurgical electrode) 의 리콜 2013-10-16 Australia DHTGA
Getinge 46-Series Washer Disinfector with PACS 300 module(used for the cleaning, decontamination and disinfecting (by heat) reusable surgical instruments, anaesthesia equipment, shoes and other operational utensils) 의 리콜 2013-10-21 Australia DHTGA