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  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Epoca revision set and its stem extractors
  • 제품 설명
    EPOCA is a modular system of joint prostheses and associated instrumental specific and indispensable for the placement of such prostheses destined for the total, partial replacement or reconstruction of shoulder articulation and is indicated for: advanced destruction resulting from rheumatoid or post-traumatic or degenerative arthritis of the shoulder joint ; avascular necrosis; fractures in the shoulder joint; failure of previous surgery such as osteosynthesis, reconstruction of the joint or arthroplasty of the shoulder joint; reconstruction of the humeral portion of the shoulder joint by severe damage and / or disabled by rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic or necrosisavascular arthritis where radiographic evidence of sufficient bone tissue to support the prosthesis is found.
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    milling rod for SynReam 2.5 mm, length: 650 mm, sterile, reference 351.709S, lots || specific.
  • 제품 설명
    The RIA system (strawberry / irrigator / aspirator) is indicated for intramedullary milling and for the extraction of bone tissue, which cleans the medullary canal of bone marrow and debris. It is also used to clean the infected bone marrow canal, efficiently determine the size of the medullary canal for the acceptance of an implant or intramedullary prosthesis. RIA works by extracting autogenous bone tissue, finely morselized and bone marrow for any surgical intervention that requires a graft of bone tissue in order to facilitate fusion or fill bone defects. These interventions may be spinal fusion, joint arthrodesis, total joint replacement, fracture repair, absence of fracture consolidation, maxillofacial reconstruction, and tumor removal.
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    GUIDE SLEEVE, reference 03.037.017, specific lots.
  • 제품 설명
    The osteosynthesis material for SYNTHES extremities are nonabsorbable implants designed to help immobilization, stable fixation and stabilization of bone fragments during the treatment of fractures, trauma, reconstruction and bone deformities, restoration of anatomical features and allowing an accurate approximation. There are different types of osteosynthesis implants corresponding to the bones of the extremities of the body, for example: femur, tibia, ulna, radius, humerus, hand, foot, etc. These osteosynthesis implants can be used or not in conjunction with the other osteosynthesis implants to immobilize the affected bone and fix in such a way to induce bone growth and scar healing. The intramedullary nails together with the debloqueo screws are used for the osteosynthesis of big bones like the femur, the tibia and the humerus. SYNTHES deosteosynthesis implants are classified into systems according to their dimensions and shapes that make them more suitable for different parts of the extremities of the body, their traumas and pathologies. It is noted that these implants can be combined with the original parts of the same system.
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Hummingbird Adapter and the Battery Unit, reference 05.001.108, serial 1215.
  • 제품 설명
    The engines for surgical use are tools that are intended to generate a continuous movement of their accessories that are cutting tools such as drills, bits and saws in orthopedic and traumatology procedures such as: placement and extraction of prosthesis and osteosynthesis material, intramedullary milling, traumatology in general, foot and hand surgery, craniomaxillofacial surgery, neurosurgery and spinal surgery
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    UNIVERSAL BATTERY CHARGER II (UBC II), references 05.001.204, lots 10615 to 12616.
  • 제품 설명
    The engines for surgical use are tools that are intended to generate a continuous movement of their accessories that are cutting tools such as drills, bits and saws in orthopedic and traumatology procedures such as: placement and extraction of prosthesis and osteosynthesis material, intramedullary milling, traumatology in general, foot and hand surgery, surgery, maxillofacial neurosurgery and vertebral surgery
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