
이름 날짜 시작된 날짜 국가 출처
Durolane 3ml (synovial fluid supplementation substance) 의 리콜 2013-07-31 Australia DHTGA
Oxoid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Discs MEM10 (Meropenem), CT0774B (An in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD)) 의 리콜 2013-07-31 Australia DHTGA
Medtronic Xomed Instrument Trays 의 리콜 2013-08-01 Australia DHTGA
HemoCue Glucose 201 RT Microcuvettes, single pack. An in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD) 의 리콜 2013-08-05 Australia DHTGA
Zoo Master Pouch 15 5H 3/8" Heavy Elephant Elastics (Elastomeric component used with orthodontic brackets) 의 리콜 2013-08-08 Australia DHTGA
SIGMA Fixed Bearing Tibial Inserts - PLI, Cruciate Retaining, Posterior Stablised (used as part of SIGMA Knee System) 의 리콜 2013-08-19 Australia DHTGA
General Purpose 9 French Temperature Probe, Disposable, 400 의 리콜 2013-08-08 Australia DHTGA
Anastaflo Intravascular Shunt ( Carotid artery shunt) 의 리콜 2013-08-01 Australia DHTGA
STERRAD 100NX Cassette (Used to provide hydrogen peroxide sterilant used in the STERRAD NX Steriliser) 의 리콜 2013-08-02 Australia DHTGA
ViewPoint 6 Versions 6.2, 6.2.1, 6.3 and 6.31 including OB Pro-Expert Reporting (Ultrasound image management software) 의 리콜 2013-08-02 Australia DHTGA
Allura Xper FD10 F and Allura FD10/10 (diagnostic, fluoroscopic x-ray system) 의 리콜 2013-08-05 Australia DHTGA
Bond Polymer Refine Red Detection System. An in vitro diagnostic medical device (Immunohisto chemical staining kit) 의 리콜 2013-08-05 Australia DHTGA
HemoCue Hb 201 Microcuvettes (an in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD)) 의 리콜 2013-08-08 Australia DHTGA
Portex Blue Line Disposable Inner Cannula, 7mm (Reusable tracheostomy tube) 의 리콜 2013-08-08 Australia DHTGA
Phenocell C 0.8% and Phenocell C 3%. An in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD) 의 리콜 2013-08-05 Australia DHTGA
Fluoprep (Mounting medium for immunofluorescence microscopy) - An in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD) 의 리콜 2013-08-09 Australia DHTGA
Fabius Anaesthesia Machine 의 리콜 2013-08-08 Australia DHTGA
Ceiling Supply Units (CSU) 80xx/CSU60xx (Used for positioning of medical gas and vacuum systems) 의 리콜 2013-08-16 Australia DHTGA
Liquichek Sedimentation Rate Control, Level 2. An in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD) 의 리콜 2013-08-12 Australia DHTGA
LifeCycle for Prenatal Screening software. An in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD). 의 리콜 2013-08-13 Australia DHTGA
Bio-Absorbable Suture Anchors (Soft tissue fixation device) 의 리콜 2013-08-08 Australia DHTGA
Tec 6 and Tec 6 Plus Vaporizers (Used to vaporize anaethesic agent Desflurane)Manufactured between 12 August 2005 and 03 December 2012 (AETJ29001 to AESR49001) 의 리콜 2013-08-14 Australia DHTGA
4.0mm x15mm Small Peripheral Cutting Balloon (Monorail & Over-the-Wire ) Microsurgical Dilatation Device (used for Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty of obstructive lesions in peripheral vessels) and 4.00mm x15mm Flextome Cutting Balloon (Monorail & Over-the-Wire) Microsurgical Dilatation Device (used in patients with coronary vessel disease) 의 리콜 2013-08-09 Australia DHTGA
MX 16-Slice (Full body CT system) 의 리콜 2013-08-12 Australia DHTGA
Secondary 19" Touchscreen - TEGRIS System (Operating room device management system) 의 리콜 2013-08-09 Australia DHTGA