The code for the individual pouches is Catalog 1589 and Lot # 0551847, expiration date of 2005-07. The code for the five pack boxes is Catalog No. 1589 and lot number 0551847, expiration date of 2005-07.
Product was distributed to 29 hospital accounts nationwide. There were no intenational, govenment or military accounts.
제품 설명
Boston Scientific Microvasive Radial Jaw 3 Single-Use Maximum Capacity Biopsy Forceps Needle, 240 cm length, 3.3 mm Jaw Outside Diameter. Each device is pakaged in a Tyvek laminate pouch. The pouch assemblies are packaged in a five-pack product box.
Pouch codes for the 180 cm length wuidewires are: Catalog No. 46-591, UPN M001465910 Lot Number Use Before Date 4959940 2005-08 4959941 '' 4969651 '' 4969654 '' 4969655 '' 4969656 '' The pouch codes for the 260 cm length guidewires are: Catalog No. 46-5912, UPN M001465920 Lot Number Use Before Date 4959945 2005-08 4959946 '' 4959944 '' 4959943 ''
Product was distributed to 118 hospitals nationwide.
제품 설명
Medi-Tech Magic Torque Glidex hydrophilic coated guidewire, .035 inch/180 cm and .035 inch/260 cm lengths. Packaged in a sterile pouch and a three pack shelf box.
Individual pouch codes are coded catalog # 12132-01, batch 4785750 expiration date 2004-05 and the five pack outer boxes are coded: Catalog No. 12132-01, batch 4806821 expiration date 2004-5.
Product was distributed to hospitals in FL, MI, GA, OR, ID AND CT. 05.
제품 설명
Product is a ChoICE 182 cm Guide Wire, intended to facilitate placement of balloon dilatation catheters and other therapeutic devices during Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) procedures. The ChoICE guide wire contains a one-piece stainless steel core, which extends throughout the length of the wire and provides steerability and torqueability. The wire is tapered and formed at the distal tip. A radiopaque platinum spring coil surrounds the distal tip of the core wire. || The ChoICE Guide Wire is a single use, sterile (EO), device packaged in a carrier tube, which is held in a coil by plastic clips. The carrier tube assembly of the guide wire is sealed into a pouch. One side of the pouch is clear polyethylene/polyester laminate and the reverse side is Tyvek. The pouch assemblies are packaged in a five-pack product box. A flushing tool is included in the package to facilitate hydration of the coating with heparanized saline before use. || 1, page 1, is a copy of the pouch label. Exhibit 1, page 2 is a copy of the five-pack product box label. Exhibit 2 is a copy of the Directions for Use.
Individual Devices in Pouches with Catalog No. 12155-01, UPN H74912155011, Lot Number 4773987, exp. date 2004-5. These pouches were packaged in two lots of five-pack boxes with the following codes: Catalog 12155-01, lot 4791304 Catalog 12155-01, lot 4798294