X Spine Systems Inc

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  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Product Numbers: 71088, 71692, 71708, 71750, 71761, 71781, 71807, 71849, 71881, 71090, 71693, 71709, 71751, 71762, 71787, 71808, 71850, 71882, 71092, 71694, 71710, 71752, 71763, 71789, 71809, 71851, 71885, 71682, 71695, 71711, 71753, 71764, 71791, 71810, 71857, 71886, 71686, 71696, 71712, 71755, 71765, 71793, 71811, 71858, 71889, 71687, 71698, 71716, 71756, 71766, 71795, 71813, 71859, 71893, 71688, 71700, 71746, 71757, 71767, 71797, 71814, 71873, 71894, 71689, 71701, 71747, 71758, 71768, 71799, 71815, 71874, 71896, 71690, 71705, 71748, 71759, 71769, 71801, 71816, 71877, 71897, 71691, 71707, 71749, 71760, 71780, 71806, 71817, 71878, 71899, 71900, 71937, 71957, 73417, 73427, 73440, 73453, 73470, 74073, 71903, 71939, 72184, 73418, 73428, 73441, 73454, 73471, 74097, 71904, 71940, 72419, 73419, 73429, 73445, 73455, 73472, 74098, 71907, 71943, 73409, 73420, 73430, 73446, 73456, 73760, 74099, 71908, 71944, 73411, 73421, 73431, 73447, 73464, 73761, 74100, 71911, 71947, 73412, 73422, 73433, 73448, 73465, 73762, 74101, 71912, 71948, 73413, 73423, 73435, 73449, 73466, 73763, 74102, 71915, 71952, 73414, 73424, 73437, 73450, 73467, 73886, 74103, 71916, 71953, 73415, 73425, 73438, 73451, 73468, 74047, 74104, 71936, 71956, 73416, 73426, 73439, 73452, 73469, 74072, 74105, 74107, 74125, 74143, 74293, 74305, 75280, 75297, 75307, 75317, 74108, 74127, 74144, 74294, 74306, 75282, 75299, 75308, 75318, 74109, 74129, 74285, 74295, 74307, 75283, 75300, 75309, 75319, 74110, 74131, 74286, 74296, 74432, 75284, 75301, 75310, 75320, 74111, 74132, 74287, 74299, 74987, 75285, 75302, 75311, 75321, 74112, 74134, 74288, 74300, 74991, 75287, 75303, 75312, 75322, 74116, 74135, 74289, 74301, 75248, 75289, 75304, 75313, 75323, 74119, 74137, 74290, 74302, 75273, 75291, 75305, 75314, 75324, 74121, 74139, 74291, 74303, 75276, 75293, 75305, 75315, 75333, 74123, 74141, 74292, 74304, 75278, 75295, 75306, 75316, 75334, 75335, 75355, 75376, 76369, 76536, 76593, 76602, 76613, 76639, 75336, 75358, 75377, 76370, 76537, 76593, 76603, 76614, 76640, 75337, 75360, 75379, 76372, 76538, 76594, 76605, 76615, 76642, 75338, 75362, 75382, 76374, 76540, 76595, 76606, 76616, 76737, 75344, 75364, 75384, 76375, 76542, 76596, 76607, 76618, 77253, 75346, 75365, 75386, 76376, 76588, 76597, 76608, 76619, 77260, 75346, 75367, 75588, 76377, 76589, 76598, 76609, 76621, 77261, 75350, 75370, 75798, 76406, 76590, 76599, 76610, 76629, 77262, 75351, 75372, 75802, 76407, 76591, 76600, 76611, 76630, 77263, 75353, 75375, 76139, 76534, 76592, 76601, 76612, 76638, 77264, 77265, 77811, 77852, 79382, 77266, 77815, 78174, 77267, 77817, 78175, 77270, 77820, 78176, 77322, 77823, 78518, 77647, 77851 and 79040.
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  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution -- Including states of AZ, CA, CO, FL, ID, IN, MO, MS, NV, OK, TN, TX, UT and WY and countries of Spain, South Africa and the United Kingdom.
  • 제품 설명
    Capless Li Pedicle Screw System, Diameters - 4.75mm, 5.5mm, 6.5mm, 7.5mm, 8.25mm, Lengths 30mm-55mm, labeled non-sterile. || The Capless LI Pedicle Screw System is indicated for the treatment of sever spondylolisthesis of the L5-S1 vertebra in skeletally mature patients receiving fusion by autogenous bone graft.
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Part numbers X079-0096 and X079-0097 with Lot #12320
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  • 유통
    US Distribution including the states of FL and MO.
  • 제품 설명
    Serrated Soft Tissue Shields. Orthopedic surgical instruments, part of the Silex Sacroiliac Fusion System. The soft tissue shields are surgical instrument guides in the Silex Sacroiliac Joint Fusion System for spinal surgery.
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Model #: X060-0323, Lot # 525941, S/Ns 001-017, Lot # 525942, S/Ns 001-050
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  • 이식된 장치?
  • 유통
    Nationwide Distribution including CA, CO, FL, IA, IN, LA, NY, PA, TN, TX and UT.
  • 제품 설명
    Axle Interspinous Fusion System Torque Driver Handle, Model #: X060-0323, Lot # 525941, S/Ns 001-017, Lot # 525942, S/Ns 001-050, Mfr. By: Bradshaw Medical Inc., Kenosha, WI 53144 || The Axle Torque Driver Handle is used to lock the set screw into the locking plate.
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Model #: N60001068; Lot #: 2943-01; Serial #s: 46118, 46581, 47296, 47588, 47653, 48164, 48201, 48412, 49156, 49585, 49586, 49649, G22, G45, G47, G77, G83, G87X, G90X, R15, XP03, XP21, XP27, XP28, XP29 & XP32.
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  • 유통
    Worldwide Distribution - US Distribution to the states of : FL, ID, IL, KS, LA, MI, MO, NJ, OH, PA and TX., and to the countries of Austria, Germany and Italy.
  • 제품 설명
    Fortex" Pedicle Screw System Continuous Radius Rod 5.5 - 50mm, X-Spine Systems, Inc., 452 Alexandersville Road Miamisburg, OH 45342 Phone: 937-847-8400
  • 모델명 / 제조번호(시리얼번호)
    Size, 28mm x 10mm x 6mm, Part #:, X034-0340, Lot #:, 118501, 23502, 23503, 24284, 24291, 24825, 24825s1, 24825S2, 760902; Size, 28mm x 10mm x 7mm, Part #:, X034-0341, Lot #:, 118502, 23504, 24285, 24826, 24826S1, 24826S2, 760903; Size, 28mm x 10mm x 8mm, Part #:, X034-0342, Lot #:, 118503, 23505, 24286, 24827, 24827S1, 24827S2, 760904; Size, 28mm x 10mm x 9mm, Part #:, X034-0343, Lot #:, 118504, 23506, 24287, 24828, 24828S1, 24828S2, 760905; Size, 28mm x 10mm x 10mm, Part #:, X034-0344, Lot #:, 118505, 23507, 24288, 24829, 24829S1, 24829S2, 760906; Size, 28mm x 10mm x 11mm, Part #:, X034-0345, Lot #:, 118506, 23508, 24289, 24830, 24830S1, 24830S2, 760907; Size, 28mm x 10mm x 12mm, Part #:, X034-0346, Lot #:, 118507, 23509, 24290, 24831, 24831S1, 24831s2, 760908; Size, 28mm x 10mm x 13mm, Part #:, X034-0347, Lot #:, 118508, 23510, 24291, 24832, 24832s1, 24832S2, 760909; Size, 28mm x 10mm x 14mm, Part #:, X034-0348, Lot #:, 118509, 23511, 24292, 24833, 760910; Size, 28mm x 10mm x 15mm, Part #:, X034-0349, Lot #:, 118510, 23512, 24293, 24293-R, 24834, 760911 & Size, 28mm x 10mm x 16mm, Part #:, X034-0350, Lot #:, 118511, 23513, 23514, 24294, 24835, 24835S1, 24835S2, 32513, 760912.
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  • 유통
    Product was shipped to the following states: AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, LA, MD, MI, MO, NC, NV, NY, PA, PR, TX & WV. Product was also shipped to the following countries: Australia, England, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Portugal & United Kingdom.
  • 제품 설명
    Calix T PEEK Lumbar System, TLIF Trial
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